[comp.soft-sys.andrew] building andrew on DecStation 3100/5000

carter@ferrari.mst6.lanl.gov (Dave Carter) (09/21/90)

okay, i finally got Ultrix 4.0, and am ready to begin building andrew.
a while ago, i was told that it'd be better to get Ultrix 4.0, because
of missing library files in 3.2.

i also remember reading discussions of much pain and grief trying to
build andrew on decstations.  is there a version out there with some
of the various patches that people suggested, which will actually
build and run on a decstation 3100 or 5000?  if so, i'd be most

						- dave

bernerus@BIRK.CS.CHALMERS.SE (Christer Bernerus) (09/21/90)

Excerpts from info-andrew: 21-Sep-90 building andrew on DecStati.. Dave
Carter@bloom-beacon (491)

> okay, i finally got Ultrix 4.0, and am ready to begin building andrew.
> a while ago, i was told that it'd be better to get Ultrix 4.0, because
> of missing library files in 3.2.

> i also remember reading discussions of much pain and grief trying to
> build andrew on decstations.  is there a version out there with some
> of the various patches that people suggested, which will actually
> build and run on a decstation 3100 or 5000?  if so, i'd be most
> grateful!

> 						- dave
> carter@mst6.lanl.gov

Since I've just done this, I think I should let you all know my experiences:

First: If your'e working with many architectures you'll probably use
shadow trees.

Before creating the shadow trees, do the following (this will eliminate
much trouble):
	Go to the source tree:

	make Makefiles	- In order to be able to make Clean below.
	make Clean		- Get rid of everything already compiled, install.* files etc.
	find . -name Makefile -o -name Makefile.BAK -exec rm {} \;  
		 -- I.e now get rid of all Makefiles etc.

	rm -f overhead/class/machdep/machine  -- This is normally a symbolic link.

Now you can create the shadow tree.
Then make sure that the destination tree is clean.
You now must create a libX11_G0.a.

Copy the G0 libraries to /usr/andrew/lib/mips_G0:
    %mkdir /usr/andrew/lib/mips_G0 - or wherever your destination tree is.
    %cp /lib/libc_G0.a /usr/andrew/lib/mips_G0/libc.a
    %ranlib /usr/andrew/lib/mips_G0/libc.a

-- Also copy /lib/libm_G0.a and /usr/lib/libX11_G0.a to
/usr/andrew/lib/mips_G0, omitting the _G0.

Edit overhead/class/machdep/dec_mips/makedo.csh and add a -L and a -G 0
flag to the ld command. This will ensure that the linker won't search
any standard directories and possibly pick up some non-G0 code. Without
the -G 0 flag, the linker might be tempted to create sbss sections.
Do the same thing for the ld command in

Next problem is that /lib/libc_G0.a doesn't contain errlst.o.
The following C program, linked with /lib/libc.a will recreate the
necessary C source errlst.c which then can be compiled with -G 0:

    #include <errno.h>
    extern int sys_nerr;
    extern char *sys_errlist[];
    char *
    int err;
        return sys_errlist[err];
        int eno;

        printf("char    *sys_errlist[] =\n{\n");

        printf("};\n\nint       sys_nerr={ sizeof sys_errlist/sizeof
    sys_errlist[0] };\n");

Next thing to fix is to include "ultrix" at the #ifdef line 1069 in

You will also need to remove some lines in the file
All lines referring "rate.v_intr", "rate.v_syscall" and "rate.v_swtch"
need to be commented out. This is because Ultrix 4 has moved these
variables to a "cpudata" structure.  I hope the ATK group will do this
right sometimes.

Also I have noted that the resolver routines are already in
/lib/libc_G0.a so there's no need for a separate resolver library.

Happy hacking


Christer Bernerus (SM6FBQ)		! E-mail: bernerus@{cs,utc}.chalmers.se
Chalmers University of Technology		! Phone: +46 31 721000
Department of Computer Science		
S-412 96 Gothenburg, SWEDEN