oester+@rchland.ibm.com (Bob Oesterlin) (11/01/90)
Well, it happened again. This time I did a little poking around in themessage folder. In this case, I just posted 2 messages to "advisor.aix31".Messages exposed the folder, but there were no new messages: .../3.1/mount > ls -a ~bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31 +0ayYw4891E0J80dnwb +QazrymE91E6v40dIop +gb6oEJU91E6vA0Um8T +0b4BB=U91E6v00TWwF +Qb1rKRQ91E6v80UYFA +gb7BIN891E6vM0U3Un +0b9mWDE91E6v40UH0= +Qb4q2fg91E5zAzY04Q +gb7jxNI91E6vI0U1YF +4b4omYU91E6vI0SW5K +Qb:77ys91E6v80U29x +gb=Mlf891E6vA0UV49 +4b=Zml091E6vI0UWkQ +Qb=h=Y091E6vI0UVFS +kb7OYmM91E6vQ0VF0w +8b1rZpg91E6vI0UYNW +Ub0Srzg91E6v80UV5s +kb94K=g91E6v00U1Vf +Ab39xbo91E6vA0TVxL +Ub2EvGU91E6v40UWh2 +kb:3ip491E6vQ0U1Nq +Ab8o=PY91E6vE0UHAF +Ub4RwUQ91E6vI0SVFF +kb=Mh7U91E6v40UV0o +Ab=NsoI91E6vI0UVMH +Ub5O=Bk91E6vQ0TVFK +ob0Ub=891E6vA0UVMF +Ab=TzAQ91E6vM0UWIu +Yb1r5jQ91E6vM0UY0G +ob7V8HU91E6vA0VGJO +EazpjsU91E6vA0dEVU +Yb4:ofU91E6vI0TWFt +sb0tFCQ91E6vI0dWIj +Eb1usvs91E6v00UYh1 +Yb:4YWU91E6v80U1cf +sb4alLI91E6v00SWUD +Eb23:7Q91E0J81DE4a +cb3=WiQ91E6vM0TWZL +sb=N4k891E6v00UVAI +Eb4Rn6o91E6vE0SVBd +cb6o=IU91E6v00Um55 +wb0CtKk91E6vM0dWgm +Eb4THDw91E6vA0SVNm +cb9m36E91E6v00UGkl +wb0G9Mc91E6vQ0dY0Z +Eb94Vto91E6v80U1pk +cb:8:fU91E6vQ0U2Mz +wb2KgWY91E6vM0UWxt +Ib0CAuo91E6vM0dW4Y +cb=N3:Q91E6vM0UV8n +wb4=ZSk91E6v80TWcU +Ib4o=fw91E6vA0SVtL +cb=N6Jw91E6v80UVEZ +wb8k3Yo91E6vA0UFtd +Ib7PMWM91E6vM0VF9I +gazqA0s91E60EaF04j +wb:4U2w91E6vE0U1Y0 +Ib8k3Us91E6v40UFo7 +gb0BEqE91E6vA0dVoI +wb:4rQQ91E5zAvGk4k +Ib=h:2491E6vA0UVBn +gb0tYA891E6vE0dWM6 . +Mb5PYQ891E6vI0TVsk +gb48rN491E6vQ0TVJO .. +Mb=ND1091E6vM0UVJP +gb49NQI91E6vA0TVNI .MS_MsgDir .../3.1/mount > cuin CUI> scavenge advisor.aix31 Recursively scavenge all subdirectories [No] ? Purge deletions after scavenging [No] ? Checking for hidden messages in folder/afs/rchland.ibm.com/usr0/bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31. Found 2 old hidden messages in/afs/rchland.ibm.com/usr0/bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31 (0 orphanedsnapshots, 0 processing errors). Scavenged /afs/rchland.ibm.com/usr0/bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31. CUI> q .../3.1/mount > ls -lat ~bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31 | head Total: 195 kbytes d 2 oester 6144 Oct 31 08:04 . -rw- 1 oester 10940 Oct 31 08:04 .MS_MsgDir -rw- 1 oester 1779 Oct 31 08:04 +Yb=hbgA91E5zAoF05p -rw- 1 oester 1373 Oct 31 08:04 +4b=hbgw91E5zMoF090 d 35 postman 45056 Oct 31 01:16 .. -rw- 1 postman 1299 Oct 30 23:10 +4b=Zml091E6vI0UWkQ -rw- 1 postman 1288 Oct 30 16:33 +Ab=TzAQ91E6vM0UWIu -rw- 1 postman 1797 Oct 30 09:37 +Ab=NsoI91E6vI0UVMH -rw- 1 postman 1424 Oct 30 08:52 +Mb=ND1091E6vM0UVJP What's curious is that 2 new messages appear that were not present in the dirpreviously! What's going on here?? Bob PS: The bboard machine is an RT running 4.3, AFS 3. The configuration has beenstable for at least 6 months.
nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (11/02/90)
Very curious. Is the total number of files the same? That is, are the two new files just renamed old ones, or did they really appear out of nowhere? This is a very unfamiliar bug. I'll keep thinking about it.