[comp.soft-sys.andrew] "old hidden messages"

oester+@rchland.ibm.com (Bob Oesterlin) (11/01/90)

Well, it happened again. This time  I did a little poking around in
themessage folder. In this case, I just posted 2 messages to
"advisor.aix31".Messages exposed the folder, but there were no new

.../3.1/mount > ls -a ~bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31
+0ayYw4891E0J80dnwb  +QazrymE91E6v40dIop  +gb6oEJU91E6vA0Um8T
+0b4BB=U91E6v00TWwF  +Qb1rKRQ91E6v80UYFA  +gb7BIN891E6vM0U3Un
+0b9mWDE91E6v40UH0=  +Qb4q2fg91E5zAzY04Q  +gb7jxNI91E6vI0U1YF
+4b4omYU91E6vI0SW5K  +Qb:77ys91E6v80U29x  +gb=Mlf891E6vA0UV49
+4b=Zml091E6vI0UWkQ  +Qb=h=Y091E6vI0UVFS  +kb7OYmM91E6vQ0VF0w
+8b1rZpg91E6vI0UYNW  +Ub0Srzg91E6v80UV5s  +kb94K=g91E6v00U1Vf
+Ab39xbo91E6vA0TVxL  +Ub2EvGU91E6v40UWh2  +kb:3ip491E6vQ0U1Nq
+Ab8o=PY91E6vE0UHAF  +Ub4RwUQ91E6vI0SVFF  +kb=Mh7U91E6v40UV0o
+Ab=NsoI91E6vI0UVMH  +Ub5O=Bk91E6vQ0TVFK  +ob0Ub=891E6vA0UVMF
+Ab=TzAQ91E6vM0UWIu  +Yb1r5jQ91E6vM0UY0G  +ob7V8HU91E6vA0VGJO
+EazpjsU91E6vA0dEVU  +Yb4:ofU91E6vI0TWFt  +sb0tFCQ91E6vI0dWIj
+Eb1usvs91E6v00UYh1  +Yb:4YWU91E6v80U1cf  +sb4alLI91E6v00SWUD
+Eb23:7Q91E0J81DE4a  +cb3=WiQ91E6vM0TWZL  +sb=N4k891E6v00UVAI
+Eb4Rn6o91E6vE0SVBd  +cb6o=IU91E6v00Um55  +wb0CtKk91E6vM0dWgm
+Eb4THDw91E6vA0SVNm  +cb9m36E91E6v00UGkl  +wb0G9Mc91E6vQ0dY0Z
+Eb94Vto91E6v80U1pk  +cb:8:fU91E6vQ0U2Mz  +wb2KgWY91E6vM0UWxt
+Ib0CAuo91E6vM0dW4Y  +cb=N3:Q91E6vM0UV8n  +wb4=ZSk91E6v80TWcU
+Ib4o=fw91E6vA0SVtL  +cb=N6Jw91E6v80UVEZ  +wb8k3Yo91E6vA0UFtd
+Ib7PMWM91E6vM0VF9I  +gazqA0s91E60EaF04j  +wb:4U2w91E6vE0U1Y0
+Ib8k3Us91E6v40UFo7  +gb0BEqE91E6vA0dVoI  +wb:4rQQ91E5zAvGk4k
+Ib=h:2491E6vA0UVBn  +gb0tYA891E6vE0dWM6  .
+Mb5PYQ891E6vI0TVsk  +gb48rN491E6vQ0TVJO  ..
+Mb=ND1091E6vM0UVJP  +gb49NQI91E6vA0TVNI  .MS_MsgDir

.../3.1/mount > cuin
CUI> scavenge advisor.aix31
Recursively scavenge all subdirectories [No] ?
Purge deletions after scavenging [No] ?
Checking for hidden messages in
Found 2 old hidden messages
in/afs/rchland.ibm.com/usr0/bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31 (0
orphanedsnapshots, 0 processing errors).
Scavenged /afs/rchland.ibm.com/usr0/bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31.
CUI> q

.../3.1/mount > ls -lat ~bboard/.MESSAGES/advisor/aix31 | head
Total: 195 kbytes
d           2 oester                   6144 Oct 31 08:04 .
-rw-        1 oester                  10940 Oct 31 08:04 .MS_MsgDir
-rw-        1 oester                   1779 Oct 31 08:04 +Yb=hbgA91E5zAoF05p
-rw-        1 oester                   1373 Oct 31 08:04 +4b=hbgw91E5zMoF090
d          35 postman                 45056 Oct 31 01:16 ..
-rw-        1 postman                  1299 Oct 30 23:10 +4b=Zml091E6vI0UWkQ
-rw-        1 postman                  1288 Oct 30 16:33 +Ab=TzAQ91E6vM0UWIu
-rw-        1 postman                  1797 Oct 30 09:37 +Ab=NsoI91E6vI0UVMH
-rw-        1 postman                  1424 Oct 30 08:52 +Mb=ND1091E6vM0UVJP

What's curious is that 2 new messages appear that were not present in
the dirpreviously!

What's going on here??


PS: The bboard machine is an RT running 4.3, AFS 3. The configuration
has beenstable for at least 6 months.

nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (11/02/90)

Very curious.  Is the total number of files the same?  That is, are the
two new files just renamed old ones, or did they really appear out of

This is a very unfamiliar bug.  I'll keep thinking about it.