(Marc Pawliger) (11/08/90)
I think there is a unix-type compatibility library for VMS. I know that CUI was ported to VMS and part of that involved using this library for socket and select emulation. You might want to contact the Computer Center at CMU or your local DECUS chapter. --marc -- +---Marc Pawliger---IBM Advanced Workstations Division---Palo Alto, CA---+ | Internet: VNET: MARCP at AUSVM6 | | UUCP: uunet!ibmsupt!ibmpa!marc Phone: (415) 855-3493 | +------IBMinet: T/L: 465-3493--------+
sean@DSL.PITT.EDU (Sean McLinden) (11/08/90)
There are two options for Unix compatibility: 1. VAX-C 3.0 plus the DECShell and VMS connection (UCX...something or other), which in it's most recent form supports select(2) and other Unixisms. 2. VAX-C or GCC with Peter Kay's sockit library which runs over Wally TCP/IP, CMU-TEK TCP/IP, and maybe another (not, currently, Multinet). I dunno about the former, but the latter implements only enough of the functionality of sockets to support the implementation of basic TCP/IP services. The full functionality of the socket library is a bit more difficult in VMS, because of VMSs way of handling asynchronous IO, so that any socket emulation is going to be targeted at specific applications. The better approach would be to use QIOs, but that means changing a good deal of code. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see someone do it. But we decided that it would make more sense to wait for all of our applications to migrate to UNIX, and then trash VMS, then try to "fix" VMS. Sean McLinden Decision Systems Laboratory University of Pittsburgh