[comp.soft-sys.andrew] A browser for the ATK classes

p_meylemans@cen.jrc.it (Paul Meylemans) (03/07/91)

I am using Andrew not only as an end-user environment, but also as a
development environment and as the basis for prototyping new

One of the major difficulties I encountered when making new classes is
the lack of a class browser (something like the SmallTalk browser) that
shows me the existing classes, their inheritance path, the class's data
structure and the available methods.

Such a browser would also be a nice extension to the on-line help and
the documentation, that does not show the same level of  clarity
throughout the whole set.

I cannot imagine that such a browser would not be available in some
form, given the large number of users of the Andrew environment (and
they cannot all be end-users).

If someone out there already has made an Andrew class browser or has
thought about making one, please let me know.

I would be very greatfull.

Paul Meylemans

Joint Research Center of the European Communities
Ispra Establishment
I-21020     Ispra (VA)
Tel.         +39-332-78.54.75
Fax.       +39-332-78.92.56
e-mail    p_meylemans@jrc.it

dd26+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU ("Douglas F. DeJulio") (03/07/91)

Paul Meylemans <p_meylemans@cen.jrc.it> writes:
> If someone out there already has made an Andrew class browser or has
> thought about making one, please let me know.

Wasn't there one of these done in org at one point?  I think I
remember seeing one a long time ago.  Does anybody else remember
something like this?
Doug DeJulio