[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Check Spelling - small suggestion for consistency

tobeye@NORTHSTAR.DARTMOUTH.EDU (Anthony Edwards) (03/09/91)

I can't seem to make ^C or ^G work when using the spell checker in Ez. 
Sure, I can quit out by pressing Q, but I'm ^C is my first response.  I
just suggest that ^C and ^G be implemented for consistency with the rest
of the ATK programs/insets.
   - Anthony

ghoti+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Adam Stoller) (03/09/91)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 8-Mar-91 Check Spelling - small
sugg.. Anthony Edwards@northsta (258+0)

> I can't seem to make ^C or ^G work when using the spell checker in Ez. 
> Sure, I can quit out by pressing Q, but I'm ^C is my first response.  I
> just suggest that ^C and ^G be implemented for consistency with the rest
> of the ATK programs/insets.
>    - Anthony

I'm not sure how you have consistancy between an interactive
function/command and an inset - the closes I can see for a comparisson
is query-replace (I can't think of any other function/command that comes

Well, query-repleace will accept a ^G but not a ^C - so I see an
argument for ^G (which is generally the "universal abort" command) - but
I'm not sure I'd buy ^C


gk5g+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Gary Keim) (03/09/91)

Excerpts from misc: 8-Mar-91 Re: Check Spelling - small .. Adam Stoller (751+0)

> Well, query-repleace will accept a ^G but not a ^C - so I see an
> argument for ^G (which is generally the "universal abort" command) - but
> I'm not sure I'd buy ^C

From my point of view.... ^G is the "cosmic abort" while ^C is merely
the "end of recursive edit."  I'm not sure exactly which functions
provide for recursive edit but I know that query-replace does.

Gary Keim
ATK Group