[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Automagically adding headers to outgoing mail?

datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) (05/04/91)

External mail that I send has to go through a flaky and protean gateway,
so my From: lines lately say "datri@concave.convex.com", and apparently
there's a problem either with our gateway or with some nameservers out
there.  So, I'd like to add a Reply-to: header to my outgoing mail
automagically, hopefully only when the mail is destined for an external
site.  Any ideas?  I'd very much like to do this without hacking the



nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (05/06/91)

You can use the init file mechanism to set up a new menu that adds a
Reply-to header field before sending the mail.  Something like this
should do the trick:

addmenu sendmessage-compound-operation "Send W/Reply-To" sendmessage
sendmessage inherit "sendmessage-add-header Reply-to: nsb@bellcore.com;

This belongs in your .messagesinit AND .sendmessageinit files, if you
ever run the program under both the names "messages" and "sendmessage". 
What I do is I have both of those init files include another file called
".amsinit" that has all the lines I want to use in both.

wollman@SADYE.UVM.EDU (Garrett Wollman) (05/06/91)

Is there any document anywhere that documents the *full* syntax and
semantics of the .fooinit files?  I don't remember seeing any...  [tho'
my sources are foo-line right now]


nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (05/06/91)

Try "help initfiles".  I don't know if it is the FULL syntax, but it's a
good starting point.  -- Nathaniel