[net.auto] Stiff Stick SHift Honda Problem Query

knudsen (02/17/83)

My '81 Honda Civic has once again developed any annoying problem with
the shift lever being hard to move in the for-and-aft direction,
but not side-to-side.  This problem feels like a very cold morning,
except for being limited to for-aft motion AND the fact that it first struck
suddenly in August in Maryland (not exactly cold).  That time it slowly went
away after a few days, which *might* be due to my pouring some enigne
oil into the base of the shift lever under the boot, but I doubt it.
It's been here several days now (30-40 F weather) and isn't going away by itself.
Both times I check the transmission oil level, it was full.
Have I got a strange seal, or what? Any Honda (4-wheel) owners ever experience
this?	TIA, mike k

mickey (02/17/83)

The problem you describe is a common one for Honda users. The bushing in
the shifter linkage is directly over the catalytic converter...The heat/cold
/heat/cold cycle takes it's toll more quickly where there is a greater variance
in temperatures. On my '81 Civic GL I got 14,000 miles before it went. It
is a dealer replacable item and costs about $35 with labor to perform (1981
					Mickey Levine