[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Dynamic Loading

scottn@fulton.cs.columbia.edu (Scott Novack) (03/07/90)

I don't have a bug, just a question.  When in ez, I can bring in a fad
inset, and then ez
will dynamically load in the fad code.  But what if I bring in ANOTHER
fad inset?  Will
ez load the code in again?  If I'm writing a paper and I use 17 charts,
and I'm on a machine
with not a lot of memory, will ez get slower and slower?  I know that if
I had lots of fad
processes (or lots of ez processes) then the text space would be shared,
but I didn't think
that insets made new processes.

Any help would be appreciated.  Mail or post.
 /|\ |  Scott H. Novack	 (Captain Napalm)	| scottn@cs.columbia.edu
 \|_\|  "'Murdered by pirates' is good."	| Columbia U. CS Dept.
      \   --- Fred Savage in The Princess Bride	| New York, NY
\_____/ Disclaimer: Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.

ajp@walhalla.wpd.sgi.com (Andrew Palay) (05/20/91)

Excerpts from mail: 20-May-91 Andrew Takats@romaint.uu (1216)

> Subject: using ATK to make a subroutine library

> Greetings from Pasta-Land!

> How (easily) can Andrew code be used outside of the ATK dynamic
> loading environment?  A couple of questions may clear up my query:

> 1) can I create a single executable that can be run with an absolute
> minimum of accompanying files, etc., so that I can have other isolated
> people run my application without loading Andrew?  My current line of
> thinking is to modify runapp to statically load all my applications
> classes, and to link all my .o's together with runapp.  How does this
> sound?
Yes you can do this.  I did this to try to debug some things in messages
when I didn't have access to a debugger that could handle dynamically
loaded objects.  The only thing is the assembly code that triggers the
dynamic loading must still be there.

> 2) can I access Andrew classes from non-Andrew C-code?  I assume it's
> possible since the class function produces normal C code, but I fear there's
> some stumbling block somewhere.  Has anyone done anything similar?

Yes you can intermix them.   The major stumbling block is that ATK
believes it is control of the event loop.  Your code must be written
using an event driven model.

Andrew J. Palay
Principal Scientist
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems