[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Unformatted output from messages

usenet@nlm.nih.gov (usenet news poster) (05/22/91)

	Can someone give me a clue as to how to get a unformatted copy
	of a message from within "messages" to a file?  Append to file
	only seems to save a copy with formats included.

	I would like to be able to save certain messages in one file
	and be able to use them with out the format lines (ie \ lines)

				aka "New messages user"

ghoti+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Adam Stoller) (05/23/91)

The way that I do it - involves using a nice generalized proctable
function which I have bound to ^X^F (some use ^X^|) in my .atkinit file:

addkey filter-filter-region ^X^F textview filter

Then what I do is select the text of the message that I wish to put into
a file (sometimes the whole message, headers and all) - invoke the above
function, which prompts for a 'Command:' in the message-line of the
window and I fill it in with something like:
	Command: cat > /tmp/foo
and hit <enter>.  It takes a few seconds but then it finally says 'done'
- and the file then exists - completely sans ATK formatting.


nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (05/23/91)

You could also cut & paste into an EZ window, choose "plainest" from the
menu, and save the file.  But Adam's solution has the virtue that you
could probably set it all up to happen with a single custom keystroke or
menu item.