[alt.msdos.programmer] Printer redirection problem...

gord@geac.com (Gord Armstrong) (01/09/90)

Has anyone seen this problem with dos3.3?:

I have a prog that checks the printer status using bios call 0x17 (ah=2),
I check the return value for both 'busy', and 'select' (0x90). This works
fine for dos3.2 and 3.3 when I use the parallel port.

The problem is when I redirect, using the mode command:

    mode com1:9600,N,8,1,P         first init the port
    mode lpt1:=com1:               redirect to com

With dos3.2 the serial printer works fine, but with dos3.3...it fails. I've
narrowed the problem to the 'busy' bit. Now here's the fun part, if I
do a Shift-PrtSc BEFORE I run my prog. it works okay. Any ideas? or is this
just a bug with my machine...a Wyse 2112, Wyse msdos3.2, and 3.3.

All help appreciated.

...gord (gord@geac)