[alt.msdos.programmer] NuMega's Soft ICE questions

fayne@tellab5.TELLABS.COM (Jeffrey Fayne) (02/07/90)

I seriously considering purchasing NuMega's 386 debugger, however
I have a few questions for anyone who has used this program:

	1) Is it as powerful as the ads make it out to be ?
	   I'm particularly interested in it's 'back trace'
	   capability (will it allow you to step backwards
           thru your code once a breakpoint is hit or will
	   it just show you how you got to the breakpoint?).

	2) I understand the program is codeview compatable, 
	   therefore it should be TurboDebugger compatible
	   as well. True or false ?

	3) Talking to a sales type, he claims that there is
	   a beta version available that supports Plink86
	   symbol tables (however I believe he stated that just
	   the root is supported or is the beta version for the
	   overlays?) Is anyone using this beta version and if so
	   problems?  As an alternative, I understand that SoftIce
	   is compatable with .RTLINK/PLUS, any recommendations as
	   far as switching linkers?  I'm very happy with PLINK, but
	   if I find SoftIce 'invaluable', I may switch.

	4) Ideally, I would eventually like to run SoftIce under
	   VM/386 (multitasker), is this possible? If not why not
	   and will it run under any other multitasker?

Any observations would be greatly appreciated.


 F-14             |    _    |               |  Jeffrey M. Fayne                
   Tomcat         |  /^ ^\  |               |  Tellabs, Inc.       
      ____________|_(  .  )_|____________   |  Lisle, IL  (708)-512-7726
           --*/--|_| (___) |_|--\*--        |  fayne@tellab5.UUCP 
              *       O O       *     fjs   |  Standard Disclaimer Applies