ezk@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Erez Zadok) (06/27/90)
My 3.5 drive works properly, unlike IBM PS/2's 3.5 which will format and write 1.44 floppies even if the floppy has only one hole (DS/DD and not HD.) It works fine with two-hole floppies, or second-hole-punched floppies and gives me 1.44Mb. I heard that there are such drives that have a switch that will force writing 1.44 on DS/DD floppies. Is it possible to set this in software, and not have to mechanically fiddle with the drive? I was thinking that the DRIVPARM option of CONFIG.SYS might do it, but when I added the line to my CONFIG.SYS, I got an "unrecognized command in CONFIG.SYS" error(?!) Has anyone had this problem before? For reference, I have a Packard Bell 286 machine, with Phonix bios, running DOS 3.30. The said drive is drive B. This is my CONFIG.SYS file: break=on BUFFERS=11 FILES=20 drivparm= /d:1 /f:2 fcbs=16,8 device=c:\dos\sys\ansi.sys shell=c:\command.com c:\dos /e:4000 /p Thanks, Erez. A wank's morning starts one machine | Arpa: ezk@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu clock cycle after midnight. | Usenet: rutgers!columbia!cunixf!ezk - HebrewWank #1 | Bitnet: ezk@cunixf, erzus@cuvmb