[net.auto] Porsche Questions

lem (03/31/83)

I have two question pertaining to the old (1967) 912 I
recently acquired.
	1.  What is a reasonable substitute for leaded premium?
	    I know about mixing leaded regular and unleaded premium,
	    but what is the correct (optimum) ration?  The car manual
	    calls for 97 octane.  Any suggestions?

	2.  Can anyone recommend a cheap place (I no nothing for a
	    Porsche will ever be really cheap) place to obtain parts?
	    THe dealers' prices are exorbitant.  I'm looking for a
	    better alternative.  I hesitate to mail a check to some
	    address in the back of a magazine without at least some

Since answers to these may not be of general interest to the net, please
mail you responses to me.  If anything outstanding arrives, I will
summarize for the net.  Thanks in advance.

					Lou Miller
					ABI - Holmdel

crc (04/01/83)

A book with a LOT of info about porsche 4 cylindar engines is
"The ABC's (and 912s) of Porsche Engines" from Motor Racing Press.
The author is one of the world's experts on 356 and 912(1967) engines.
You should consult this book. It is an excelent book on engines, no math
required. I liked it and I don't have a porsche.

/Charles Colbert