[alt.msdos.programmer] PC Jove, Telix & 132x43 VGA

deen@romulus.rutgers.edu (Cinnamon Raisin) (11/13/90)

	I have recently discovered the 132x43 mode on my Paradise 16+
	VGA card and would like to make use of it with my favorite
	programs: Telix (3.12a) and Jove 4.14.

	Telix internally supports an 80x50/43 mode, but I would like
	something wider.  PCJove supports past the 80 char column, but
	doesn't seem to do much for the # of rows.  It claims to
	support 43 in it's Ega mode, but if you count it's more like
	30 lines.

	Has anyone successfully configured these programs for use in
	132x43 mode? Or does anyone have any useful suggestions?  I'll
	be glad to hear them.

					...Tanx In Advanz...

					-Z Raisin


"May The Prezent Tenz Be With You."
-The Super Amazin Cinnamon Raisin