[alt.msdos.programmer] Fooling cache to think WINDOWS/DV is active

raymond@kronos-fi.arc.nasa.gov (Eric A. Raymond) (05/18/91)

Many programs can detect the presence of Windows3 or Desqview and use
this to release memory back to the system.  I am developing a large
application in which I would like to fake this so that it may grab
more memory.

Does anyone know how to fool these background programs into releasing
memory for my non-windows/desqview program?

Eric A. Raymond  (raymond@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov)
G7 C7 G7 G#7 G7 G+13 C7 GM7 Am7 Bm7 Bd7 Am7 C7 Do13 G7 C7 G7 D+13: Elmore James