[comp.realtime] VxWorks serial expansion boards & drivers sought

hmp@cive.ri.cmu.edu (Henning Pangels) (08/02/89)

I'm looking for a solution to connect 6 serial lines to a VxWorks
environment. I'd like to get a separate serial I/O expansion card with 6-8
channels, provided that a driver is available - I don't have time to write
one myself. Has anyone done this? My alternative would be to get one of
those code-operated N-way switcher boxes that let you connect to only one
of the channels at a time - this would be sufficient but not very elegant.

Henning Pangels                                   Field Robotics Center
ARPAnet/Internet: hmp@cive.ri.cmu.edu             Robotics Institute
(412) 268-6557                                    Carnegie-Mellon University

biocca@bevsun.bev.lbl.gov (Alan Biocca) (08/02/89)

In article <5723@pt.cs.cmu.edu> hmp@cive.ri.cmu.edu (Henning Pangels) writes:

>I'm looking for a solution to connect 6 serial lines to a VxWorks
>environment. I'd like to get a separate serial I/O expansion card with 6-8
>channels, provided that a driver is available - I don't have time to write
>one myself. Has anyone done this? My alternative would be to get one of
>those code-operated N-way switcher boxes that let you connect to only one
>of the channels at a time - this would be sufficient but not very elegant.

This isn't quite what your are seeking, but I'll mention it anyway.
The Ironics IV-24 CPU card is supported by VxWorks and has eight serial
channels onboard.  The drivers are in the vxworks port for that board.
It is a 68010 card without floating point hardware or ethernet interface,
intended primarily for handling terminals in a system without loading the
primary CPU excessively.

Alan K Biocca