(Al Mok) (10/20/89)
The Tenth Real Time Systems Symposium will be held at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Santa Monica, California, December 5-7, 1989. Registration information follows the preliminary program below, and can also be found on pp. 101 of the September 1989 issue of IEEE Computer. -- Professor Al Mok, Conference Chair (, 512-471-9542) ****************************************************************************** Preliminary Program of the 10th Real Time Systems Symposium December 5 7:30 - 8:45 Registration 8:45 - 9:00 Welcome 9:00 - 10:00 Session 1 - Resource Scheduling and Allocation I Minimizing Mean Flow Time with Error Constraint Joseph Leung, Tommy W. Tam, C.S. Wong, Gilbert H. Young Fast Algorithms for Scheduling Imprecise Computations with Timing Constraints Wei-Kuan Shih, Jane W. S. Liu, Jen-Yao Chung 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 - 12:00 Session 2 - Language Issues Events: A Structuring Mechanism for a Real-Time Runtime System Marc Donner, David Jameson, William Moran, Jr. An Experiment in the Deterministic Scheduling of Ada Tasks Edward W. Giering III, Ted Baker A Distributed Real-Time Language and Its Operational Semantics Padmanabhan Krishnan, Richard Volz 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 15:00 Session 3 - Distributed Processing I Nearly Poisson Traffic in Real-Time Networks Dave Craig, C. M. Woodside Scheduling Parallelizable Jobs on Multiprocessors Kwei-Jay Lin, Ching-Chin Han Communication Shared Resources: A Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems Insup Lee, Richard Gerber Token-Ring Adapter-Chipset Architectural Considerations for Real-Time Systems Thomas E. Marchok, Jay K. Strosnider, Hideyuki Tokuda 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 - 17:00 Session 4 - Reasoning About Time I Real-time Temporal Logic Decision Procedures Jonathan Ostroff A Framework for Reasoning About Time and Reliability Hans Hansson, Bengt Jonsson A Transformational Method for Verifying Safety Properties in Real-Time Systems Armen Gabrielian, Matthew K. Franklin December 6 8:20 - 8:30 Announcements 8:30 - 10:00 Session 5 - Fault Tolerance and Transactions Transient Overloads in Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems Philip M. Thambidurai, Kishor S. Trivedi Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance for Signal Processing Applications on a Hypercube Multiprocessor Prithviraj Banerjee, Vijay Balasubramanian Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time Transaction Processing John A. Stankovic, Jiandong Huang, Don Towsley, Krithi Ramamritham 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 - 12:00 Session 6 - Resource Scheduling and Allocation II Performance Analysis of FCFS and Improved FCFS Scheduling Algorithms for Dynamic Real-Time Computer Systems Wei Zhao, John A. Stankovic The Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm: Exact Characterization and Average Case Behavior John P. Lehoczky, Lui Sha, Ye Ding Application of Real-Time Monitoring to Scheduling Tasks with Random Execution Times Dieter Haban, Kang G. Shin 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:30 Session 7 - Real-Time Software Architecture I SPARTA: Signal Processor Architecture for High-Performance Real-Time Applications Jehuda Ish-Shalom, Peter Kazanzides Object-Oriented Design of Real-Time Software Prabha Gopinath, Thomas Bihari, Karsten Schwan 14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 - 17:00 Session 8 Case Studies and Architecture Issues A Framework for Specification and Design of Software for Advanced Sensor Systems Alice H. Muntz, Ellis Horowitz A Distributed Fault Tolerant Architecture for Nuclear Reactor Control and Safety Functions Myron Hecht, Jeffry Agron, Sara Hochhauser A Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer for Advance Control: Architecture and Performability Analysis Calin Sandovici, Cristian Constantinescu SMART (Strategic Memory Allocation for Real-Time) Cache Design David B. Kirk December 7 8:20 - 8:30 Announcements 8:30 - 10:00 Session 9 - Real-Time Software Architecture II A Decomposition Approach to Non-Preemptive Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems Xiaoping Yuan, Ashok K. Agrawala From Synchronous Intensional Programming to Efficient Implementation Bernard Le Goff, Thierry Gautier A Tasking Model for Reactive Systems Vered Gafni 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 - 12:00 Session 10 - Resource Scheduling and Allocation III Time Bounds for Real-Time Process Control in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty Higit Attiya, Nancy A. Lynch Greed in Resource Scheduling Donald W. Gillies, Jane W. S.Liu Analysis of a Synchronization and Scheduling Discipline for Real-Time Tasks with Preemption Constraints Kevin Jeffay 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:30 Session 11 - Reasoning About Time II Formal Analysis of Real-Time Equational Rule-Based Systems Al Mok Verifying Properties of Systems with Variable Timing Constraints Farnam Jahanian 14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 - 17:00 Session 12 - Distributed Processing II A New Probabilistic Algorithm for Clock Synchronization K. Arvind Real-Time File Performance of a Completely Decentralized Adaptive File System Horst F. Wedde, Dorota Baran, Gookhal Kang, Bo-Kyung Kim Priority Inversions in Real-Time Communication Hideyuki Tokuda, Clifford W. Mercer, Yutaka Ishikawa, Thomas E. Marchok Some Properties of Double-Ring Networks with Real-Time Constraints Adriano Valenzano, P. Montuschi, L. Ciminiera ******************************************************************************* Registration information: Registration Fees Advanced (before 11/18/89) Late IEEE Member $180 $235 Non-member $225 $290 Full-time Student $70 $90 Mail registration form to: Tenth RTSS c/o Linda Buss Honeywell Systems and Research Center MN65-2100 3660 Technology Drive Minneapolis, MN 55418-1006 (612)782-7332 Make check payable to IEEE Tenth RTSS and include the following. Name: _________________________________________________ Organization:__________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ IEEE Member #: ________________________________________ For hotel reservation, contact: Loew's Santa Monica Beach Hotel 1700 Ocean Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90401 (213)458-6700 Be sure to request conference rate of $98. *******************************************************************************