[comp.realtime] Call for Participation

marcel@saturn.ADS.COM (Marcel Schoppers) (01/16/90)


	    Interdisciplinary Workshop on Design Principles
	     for Real-Time Knowledge Based Control Systems

	Workshop Committee:  Dr. Paul Houpt, Prof. Victor Lesser,
	Dr. Ted Linden, Prof. Aloysius Mok, Dr. Marcel Schoppers

This workshop will bring together people from the fields of artificial
intelligence, control systems, mobile robots, operating systems, and software
engineering, to identify foundational principles for the design of ``very
complex'' realtime control systems, specifically including knowledge based
control systems (KBCSs).  Such systems must directly and constructively
affect their environment, hence must cope with hard realtime constraints and
asynchronous events, and must often utilize multiprocessor implementations.
For KBCSs, key issues include, how to ensure graceful degradation of system
behavior under exceptional loading or under uncertainty, and how to integrate
reasoning with the hard deadlines on effector control.

``Design principles'' are application-independent heuristics that address key
issues by constraining a system's hardware and software.  Especially useful
are principles that guide the decomposition of a system's functionality into
modules or layers.  Available layering schemes include the use of reflection
(metalevels), domain model abstraction, functional abstraction (information
hiding), and temporal abstraction (with higher layers having lower sampling
rates).  These schemes raise questions whose answers can be used as design
principles.  For example:  How does a particular layering scheme address a
key issue?  Can some of the layering schemes be aligned -- e.g. under what
conditions can abstract decisions be made less frequently than concrete ones?
Is it possible to state principles for the effective dispersion of modules
across processes and processors?  The goal of this workshop is to promote
interdisciplinary discourse and to discover relatively long-lasting

Prospective attendees are invited to submit, by April 13th, a statement of
up to 400 words (approx) detailing their relevant expertise, along with some
suggestions for key issues, concepts, systems and papers (not necessarily
original ones) that should be

	included in a book on design principles for KBCSs, and/or

	presented at the workshop in a 10-minute session, or

	presented at the workshop in a 30-minute session.

The workshop committee will prefer attendees who have built functional systems
AND have demonstrated the feasibility, utility or futility of an approach.
The committee will also use the selected attendees' topic suggestions to design
the workshop agenda, and will, by July 1st, ask some attendees to prepare oral
presentations.  The workshop will be held in Boston during July 29th -- August
3rd, in conjunction with the National Conference of the American Association
for Artificial Intelligence.  After the workshop, attendees may be invited
to prepare papers for inclusion in a book.  Send submissions (preferably by
electronic mail) to marcel@ads.com, or to Marcel Schoppers, Advanced Decision
Systems, 1500 Plymouth Street, Mountain View, CA 94043.