[comp.realtime] software gadgets

marcel@saturn.ADS.COM (Marcel Schoppers) (04/06/90)

I've been asking various people associated with control systems work whether
they could send me a library of commonly used software building blocks, like
digital filters (Kalman, high-pass, low-pass, band-pass, notch), lead/lag
compensators, adaptive parameter estimators, and standard numerical stuff
like approximation, integration and differentiation.  No such luck;  in
fact, one person I asked said, "Ha! You think we're software engineers??"

But somebody, somewhere, must care about their programming time enough to
save themselves the effort of repeatedly recreating these routines.  Could
such a person please mail me the source code of their library of building
blocks?  (I prefer C, but will accept anything.)

marcel @ ads.com