[comp.realtime] Fuzzy Logic Introduction?

markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) (05/29/90)

In the past two weeks there have been several articles in the general media 
(Fortune, Business Week, Newsweek) on how the U.S. has yet again dropped 
the ball on an important technology - Fuzzy Logic.

Can anyone recommend an applications oriented introduction to the


wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (05/29/90)

markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) writes:

>Can anyone recommend an applications oriented introduction to the
>field? [ - Fuzzy Logic.]

Lofti Zadeh, founder of the field, endorsed Kurt Schmucker's tutorial
by writing a glowing preface.  It is easily the most readable introduction
that  would be useful.
(Yes, this is the same  Kurt Schmucker who did the  OOPS for MAC book.
I believe the book in question was his thesis.)  The title was something
like "Natural Language, Fuzzy Logic, & Computer Security".  Check Books in 
Print or your local library card catalogue for exact reference.

/bill ricker/
wdr@wang.com a/k/a wricker@northeastern.edu
*** Warning: This account not authorized to express opinions ***

jim@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Jim Ruehlin) (05/30/90)

In article <766@ssc.UUCP> markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) writes:
>In the past two weeks there have been several articles in the general media 
>(Fortune, Business Week, Newsweek) on how the U.S. has yet again dropped 
>the ball on an important technology - Fuzzy Logic.
>Can anyone recommend an applications oriented introduction to the

Speaking of fuzzy logic, can anyone post pros/cons to this technique?
I've heard that it's a good way to represent "partial ownership" of 
elements of a set.  I've also heard that it's nothing more than probability
theory (the rebuttal to this is that it's really more like "possibility

The best explication of it I heard may be that it's a "user friendly"
probability theory.  However, if you look at the math at first it's hard
to see why!


- Jim Ruehlin

wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (05/31/90)

jim@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Jim Ruehlin) writes:
>Speaking of fuzzy logic, can anyone post pros/cons to this technique?
>I've heard that it's a good way to represent "partial ownership" of 
>elements of a set.
That is exactly what Fuzzy Sets represent.  Fuzzy Logic is to Fuzzy Sets as
Logic is to Set Theory in general.

>  I've also heard that it's nothing more than probability
>theory (the rebuttal to this is that it's really more like "possibility
People also try to confuse it with compounded independant probabilties
or Baysian probabilities; these are potential models for fuzzy arithmetics,
but not usually the ideal ones.  I like the phrase "possibility theory",
but I'm not sure it is any more intuitive than "fuzzy set".

>The best explication of it I heard may be that it's a "user friendly"
>probability theory.  However, if you look at the math at first it's hard
>to see why!
When Fuzzy Sets membership and Fuzzy Logic statements are translated into
Liguistic Variables, then you have a "user friendly" theory.  However, the
fact that "really like bald" and "like really bald" don't commute does
pose problems to some users; as does an age-gap in the connotation of (the
fuzzy modifier function associated with) "like".  See the Kurt Schmucker book 
I cited in my other article on this topic, for which I now supply
a full bibliographic entry:

Schmucker, Kurt J.
/Fuzzy sets, natural language computations, and risk analysis./
Computer  Science Press, 1983. 0-914894-38-?.

My corporate library has it catalogued as QA 248.S345.1983 [Lib.Cong];
I credit their on-line cat for the bib. here (and blame it for the missing
check digit on the ISBN -- which probably fell off the end due to the
old Pub# for CSP, which has a new shorter number now).

I recently picked up a used book on Fuzzy Logic & Expert Systems, but
haven't read it yet, so I can't review it.

I haven't tried to do anything fuzzy yet, as the project I bought Schmucker
for died prematurely, but have considered implementing fuzzy sets in either
Prolog or Smalltalk as extensions of the existing Set implementations.  
Prolog also has the nice feature of providing reasonable DCG (definite clause
grammar) support, which should ease translation to & from liguistic variables.

Perhaps I can remember to find the books at home and check their bibliographies
for you-all.  [[Support a 2nd Person Plural pronoun as well as a 3rd Person
singular neutral-but-human!:-]

/bill ricker/
wdr@wang.com a/k/a wricker@northeastern.edu
*** Warning: This account not authorized to express opinions ***

cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Cliff Joslyn) (05/31/90)

In article <anhgux.67z@wang.com> wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) writes:
>jim@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Jim Ruehlin) writes:
>>  I've also heard that it's nothing more than probability
>>theory (the rebuttal to this is that it's really more like "possibility
>People also try to confuse it with compounded independant probabilties
>or Baysian probabilities; these are potential models for fuzzy arithmetics,
>but not usually the ideal ones.  I like the phrase "possibility theory",
>but I'm not sure it is any more intuitive than "fuzzy set".

The Fuzzy world has a lot of correlates to the Classical world. 
Possibility Theory is a strict correlate to Probability Theory [Dubois
and Prade 1988, Klir 1984].  While Zadeh [1978] identifies possibility
distribution on a universe with a fuzzy set on that universe,
possibility theory does not require fuzzy set theory [Shafer 1976].  The
comment that fuzzy sets and possibility theory are nothing more than
probability theory is rebutted directly by Klir [1989].  This view might
be related to the fact that Shafer's Belief and Plausibility measures
are derived from a probability measure on the power set of the power set
of the universe, and that possibility measures are a class of
plausibility measures.  Possibility measures are also a class of
non-additive fuzzy measures.  Fuzzy measures do not necessarily have
anything to do with fuzzy sets (alas). 

Possibility calculus is based on max-min algebra, not +/* algebra.  And
possibility distributions are normalized with a maximum of 1, not a sum
to 1.  This is in a sense a "local" property of one element of the
distribution, not a "global" property of the whole distribution: a
single element of a possibility distribution can be varied without
varying any others.  Thus possibility theory is useful where the
universe of discourse is unknown, unbounded, or changing: introduction
of a new "possibility" or changing an old one does not require rescaling
of all existing distributions. 

Some simple semantic considerations argue for the concept of possibility
distinct from that of probability.  Following from Gaines and Kohout
[1976], if we identify a positive possibility with a positive
probability, then we are committed to a concept of possibility in which
any possible event is "eventual": over a large finite time our
uncertainty about the event occuring will become arbitrarily small.  But
we usually work with a concept of possibility which does not entail
this.  Certainly all probable event are possible, but the converse is
not true.  Also, we subjectively construct our uncertainty assesments in
a local way, without rescaling all other options each time a new thought
comes to mind.

Possibility distributions are used to model situations where uncertainty
is characterized by vagueness or non-specificity, as opposed to a
decision among a set of distinct choices [Klir 1989].  A possibilistic
process is a direct generalization of a non-deterministic process.  A
stochastic process is not.  There is now a possibilistic information
theory, where the U-uncertainty is a unique correlate to the Shannon
entropy [Higashi and Klir 1982, Klir and Mariano 1987] and a direct
generalization of the Hartley entropy.  Klir has recently proposed
[1990] a Principle of Uncertainty Invariance through which
transformations from stochastic to possibilistic systems and vice versa
can be made without loss of information.  Also, since the max-min
calculus is substantially more computationally efficient than +/*,
possibilistic models are frequently more tractable then stochastic ones. 

If people have a further interest, I can email or post a copy of my
dissertation prospectus on "Possibilistic State Machines" or an
extensive annotated bibliography.

Dubois D and Prade H: (1989) _Possibility Theory_ 

Gaines, Brian and Kohout: (1976) "The Logic of Automata", Int. J. Gen.
Sys., v. 2:4, 191-208

Higashi, Masahiko and Klir, George: (1982) "Measures of Uncertainty and
Information Based on Possibility Distributions", Int.  J.  Gen.  Sys.,
v.  9

Klir, George: (1984) "Possibilistic Information Theory", Cybernetics and
Systems Research, v.  2, ed.  R.  Trappl 

------------: (1989) "Is There More to Uncertainty Than Some Probability
Theorists Would Have Us Believe?", Int.  J.  Gen.  Sys.  v.  15, 347-378

------------: (1990) "A Principle of Uncertainty Invariance", J.
Approximate Reasoning, v. 17:2

Klir, George, and Mariano: (1987) "On the Uniqueness of Possibilitic
Measures of Uncertainty and Information", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, v. 
24, 197-219

Shafer, Glen: (1976) _A Mathematical Theory of Evidence_

Zadeh, Lofti: (1978) "Fuzzy Sets as the Basis for a Theory of
Possibility", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, v. 1, 3-28

| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large, cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, Box 1070, Binghamton NY 13901, USA
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .
| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large, cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, Box 1070, Binghamton NY 13901, USA
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .

groh@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu (Jim Groh) (06/01/90)

In article <766@ssc.UUCP>, markz@ssc.UUCP (Mark Zenier) writes:
>In the past two weeks there have been several articles in the general media 
>(Fortune, Business Week, Newsweek) on how the U.S. has yet again dropped 
>the ball on an important technology - Fuzzy Logic.
>Can anyone recommend an applications oriented introduction to the

Although not particularly application oriented the book 
_Fuzzy_Mathematical_Techniques_with_Applications by Abraham Kandel 
isbn # 0-201-11752-5, Addison Wesley Publishing Co. 1986 is
an excellant starting point.  In addition its bibliography is
worth the price of the book.

  (disclaimer: Although Dr. Kandel is the chairman of my department
   I have read the book and it is very good)

+   Jim Groh            +  Worlds Oldest Gradual Student               +
+   Florida State Univ. +    "Where does he get those wonderful toys?" + 
+   groh@sig.cs.fsu.edu +                  -- The Joker --             +
+   voice 904-644-8721  + reduced to 4 lines, don't want to be rude    +

cjoslyn@bingvaxu.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU (Cliff Joslyn) (06/04/90)

References to the fuzzy literature, FYI and edification.  These are, of
course, highly slanted towards my work and interests.  However, I
believe that the references to introductory and general works are
representative.  For beginners I'd reccommend Negoita 1981, Dubois +
Prade 1980, Kandel 1986, Kandel + Lee 1979, and Klir + Folger 1987. 

| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large, cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, Box 1070, Binghamton NY 13901, USA
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .

	/Fuzzy Sets and Systems/
	/J. of Approximate Reasoning/

Aubin, JP: "Fuzzy Games", in: /Systems and Control Encyclopedia/, pp.

Baldwin, JF: (1985) "Fuzzy Sets and Expert Systems", /Information
     Sciences/, v. 36

Bezdek, James C: ed. (1987) /Analysis of Fuzzy Information:
     Mathematics + Logic/, v. 1 of 3, CRC Press, Boca Raton

Black, M: (1937) "Vagueness: An Exercise in Logical Analysis",
     /Philosophy of Science/, v. 4, pp. 427-455

          Probably the best discussion of the meaning of vagueness and its
          importance in science and philosophy.  Solid introduction of most
          fuzzy systems concepts.

Bobylev, VN: (1990) "Possibilistic Argument for Irreversibility",
     /Fuzzy Sets + Systems/, v. 34, pp. 73-80

Buckley, JJ: (1986) "A Fuzzy Expert System", /Fuzzy Sets and Systems/,
     v. 20

Buckley, JJ, and Tucker, Douglas: (1987) "Extended Fuzzy Relations:
     Application to Fuzzy Exp. Sys", /Int. J. Approximate Reasoning/, v. 1,

Butnariu, D: (1988) "Autonomous Evolutive Systems w/Ambiguous States",
     in: /Fuzzy Logic in Knowledge-Based Sys./, ed. MM Gupta et. al., pp.
     229-246, North-Holland, Amsterdam

Cao, Hong Xing: (1987) "Fuzzy Verification of Weather Forecasts +
     Climate Sim.", in: /Analysis of Fuzzy Information/, v. III, ed. James
     Bezdek, CRC Press, Boca Raton

          Comparison of fuzzy vs. other methods for evaluating the success of
          predictions of weather forecast models.

Cavallo, Roger E, and Klir, George: (1982) "Reconstruction of
     Possibilistic Behavior Systems", /Fuzzy Sets and Systems/, v. 8

Chanas, : (1989) ""On possibilistic coin-flip"", /Fuzzy Sets and
     Systems/, NOTE: From John Simms

Cheesman, P: "Probabilistic vs. Fuzzy Reasoning", in: /Uncertainty in
     Artificial Intell./, ed. LN Kanal, JF Lemmer, pp. 85-102,
     North-Holland, Amsterdam

          An anti-fuzzy position.

Chen, Yung Yaw, and Tsu, Chin Tsao: (1989) "Description of the
     Dynamical Behavior of Fuzzy Systems", /IEEE Trans. on Sys., Man +
     Cyb./, v. 19:4, pp. 745-755

          Cell-to-cell mapping to describe long-term behavior of fuzzy control
          system seen as a fuzzy dynamical system.

Dal Cin, M: (1975) "Fuzzy-State Automata: Stability and Fault
     Tolerance", /Int. J. Computer and Info. Sci./, v. 4, pp. 63-80

     (1975) "Modification Tolerance of Fuzzy-State Automata", /Int. J.
     Computer and Infor. Sci/, v. 4, pp. 81-93

De Luca, A, and Termini, S: (1972) "Def. of Nonprob. Ent. in Setting
     of Fuzzy Set Theory", /Information and Control/, v. 20, pp. 301-312

          First definition of fuzzy entropy.

Dubois, D: (1987) "Fuzzy Numbers: An Overview", in: /Analysis of Fuzzy
     Information/, v. 1 of 3, pp. 3-39, CRC Press, Boca Raton

Dubois, D, and Prade, H: "Set Theoretic View Of. . .", /Int. J. Gen.
     Sys./, v. 12:3

          Relation between fuzzy sets and measures.

     "A Class of Fuzzy Measures Based on Triangle Inequalitie", /Int. J.
     Gen. Sys./, v. 8

          On relation between fuzzy sets and measures.

     (1980) /Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications/, Academic
     Press, New York

          First overview textbook of fuzzy theory.  Highly recommended.

Dubois, D, and Prade, Henri: (1983) "Unfair Coins + Necessity
     Measures", /Fuzzy Sets + Systmes/, v. 10, pp. 15-20

          Towards a possibilistic interpretation of histograms.  An interesting
          but ultimately poor method for probability to possibility conversion.

Dubois, D, and Prade, : (1988) /Possibility Theory/, Plenum Press, New

          Overview and text on fuzzy theory, possibility theory, and

Dutta, Amitava: (1985) "Reasoning with Imprecise Knowledge in Expert
     Systems", /Information Science/, v. 37

Forbes, : /Logic of Possibility/, NOTE: Suggestion from Klir

Gaines, Brian R: (1983) "Precise Past - Fuzzy Future", /Int. J.
     Man-Machine Studies/, v. 19, pp. 117-134

Gaines, Brian R, and Kohout, Ladislav J: (1976) "Logic of Automata",
     /Int. J. Gen. Sys./, v. 2:4, pp. 191-208

          Logical bases of all automata; Rescher's Probability Logic as the
          basis of fuzzy, stochastic, and non-deterministic automata; mixed
          discrete-continuous logical models; relations to modal logic;
          toplogical and algebraic models.

Gaines, Brian R, and Shaw, M.L.: (1985) "Systemic Foundations for
     Reasoning in Expert Systems", in: /Approximate Reasoning in Exp.
     Sys./, ed. Gupta, M. et. al., North-Holland, Amsterdam

          On fuzzy and modal logics.

Gaines, Brian R, and Shaw, MLG: (1985) "From Fuzzy Logic to Expert
     Systems", /Information Science/, v. 36

          Good overview of methodology.

Goodman, IR: "Fuzzy Sets as Equivalence Classes of Random Sets", in:
     /Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory/, ed. Yager

Goodman, IR, and Nguyen, : (1986) /Uncertainty Models for
     Knowledge-Based Systems/, NOTE: Chapter 3++

Gordon, Jean, and Shortliffe, Edward: (1984) "Dempster-Shafer Theory
     of Evidence", in: /Rule Based Expert Systems/, ed.
     BruceBuchanan+E.Shor, Addison Wesley, Reading MA

Gupta, MM, and Yamakawa, T: eds. (1988) /Fuzzy Logic in
     Knowledge-Based Systems/, North-Holland, Amsterdam

     eds. (1988) /Fuzzy Computing/, North-Holland, Amsterdam

Haavind, Robert: ed. /Fuzzy Logic/, in: /PC Computing/, v. 9/89, pp.

          Good survey of some applications of fuzzy control theory.

Henkind, Steven J, and Harrison, Malcolm C: (1988) "Analysis of Four
     Uncertainty Calculi", /IEEE Trans. Man Sys. Cyb./, v. 18:5, pp.

          On Bayesian, Dempster-Shafer, Fuzzy Set, and MYCIN methods of
          uncertainty management.

Higashi, Masahiko, and Klir, George: (1982) "Measures of Unc. and Inf.
     Based on Poss. Distributions", /Int. J. Gen. Sys./, v. 9

          First definition of U-uncertainty, the unique measure of possibilistic

     (1984) "Resolution of Finite Fuzzy Relation Equations", /Fuzzy Sets
     and Systems/, v. 13

     (1984) "Reconstruction Families of Possibilistic Structure Sys.",
     /Fuzzy Sets and Systems/, v. 12

Hirota, Kaoru, and Kazuhiro, Ozawa: (1989) "Concept of the Fuzzy
     Flip-Flop", /IEEE Trans. on Sys., Man + Cyb./, v. 19:5, pp. 980-997

          Theory and hardware implementations of fuzzy correlates to classical
          switching circuits.

Hirota, Kaoru, and Zama, KO: (1989) "Fuzzy Flip-Flop and Fuzzy
     Registers", /Fuzzy Sets and Systems/, v. 32, pp. 139-148

Hisdal, E: (1978) "Conditional Possibilities Independence +
     Noninteraction", /Fuzzy Sets + Systems/, v. 1:4, pp. 283-297

          First general treatment of conditional possibility.

Hu, Xiang En: "Dynamic Fuzzy Sets", /Fuzzy Mathematics/, v. 5:4, pp.

Hummel, RA, and Manevitz, LM: (1987) "Combining Bodies of Dependent
     Information", in: /Proc. 1987 Int. Joint Conf. on AI/, pp. 1015-1017,
     NOTE: From Klir

Joslyn, Cliff: /Artificial Approx. Reasoning: Fuzzy Theory in
     ExpertSys/, NOTE: For SS 517

Jumarie, Guy: (1983) "Entropy of Fuzzy Events Revisitted",
     /Cybernetica/, v. 26:2, pp. 99-116

     (1987) "New Concepts in Information Theory", /Physica Scripta/, v.
     35:2, pp. 220-224

Kandel, A: (1986) /Fuzzy Mathematical Techniques with Applications/,

Kandel, A, and Lee, A: (1979) /Fuzzy Switching and Automata/, Crane
     Russak, New York

          Another very good text on fuzzy systems and processes.

Kaufmann, A., and Gupta, M.M.: (1985) /Introduction to Fuzzy
     Arithmetic/, Reinhold, New York

Klir, George: (1984) "Possibilistic Information Theory", in:
     /Cybernetics and Systems Research/, v. 2, ed. R. Trappl

     (1989) "Is There More to Uncert. than Some Prob. Theor. Believe",
     /Int. J. Gen. Sys./, v. 15, pp. 347-378

          Presented to the 8th Maximum Entropy Workshop in Cambridge, Spring
          1988.  Critical arguments on relation between probability and general
          uncertainty theory.  Excellent review of Dempster-Shafer theory.

     (1990) "Principle of Uncertainty Invariance", /J. Approximate
     Reasoning/, v. 17:2

          Isomorphisms from possibilistic to stochastic systems preserving
          informational properties.

Klir, George, and Behzad, Parviz: (1986) "Gen. Reconstruction
     Characteristics of Prob.+Poss. Sys.", /Int. J. Man-Machine Studies/,
     v. 25

Klir, George, and Folger, Tina: (1987) /Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and
     Information/, Prentice Hall

          Primary, excellent text on fuzzy systems theory and extended
          information theory.

Klir, George, and Mariano, M: (1987) "On Uniqueness of Poss. Measures
     of Uncertainty + Inf.", /Fuzzy Sets + Systems/, v. 24, pp. 197-219

          Key proofs in possibilistic information theory.

Kloeden, PE: (1982) "Fuzzy Dynamic Systems", /Fuzzy Sets and Systems/,
     v. 7, pp. 275-296

          Mathematical development of fuzzy dynamical systems on crisp,
          complete, locally compat metric space.  Fuzzy attainability,

Kosko, B: /"On fuzzy automata"/

     ""On fuzzy vs. Prob"", /Information Sciences/

Kruse, R, and Meyer, KD: (1988) /Statistics with Vague Data/, Kluwer

Lee, Newton S., and Grize, Yves L.: (1987) "Quant. Model for Reasoning
     Under Unc. in Know-Based ES", /Int. J. Intelligent Systems/, v. 2:15

Looney, Carl G: (1988) "Fuzzy Petri Nets for Rule-Based
     Decisionmaking", /IEEE Trans. on Sys., Man + Cyb./, v. 18:1, pp.

Negoita, CV: (1989) "Rev: Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, + Information by G.
     Klir", /Kybernetes/, v. 18:1, pp. 73-74

          Good analysis of the significance of fuzzy set theory.

Negoita, CV, and Ralescu, DA: (1975) /Applications of Fuzzy Sets to
     Systems Analysis/, Birkhauser, Stuttgart

Negotia, CV: (1981) /Fuzzy Systems/, Abacus Press, Tunbridge-Wells

          Simple, coherent introduction to fuzzy systems theory.

Nguyen, HT: (1978) "On Conditional Possibility Distributions", /Fuzzy
     Sets and Systems/, v. 1:4

          Second definition of conditional possibility, contrary to Hisdal.

Oh, Sang-Bong, and Kim, W. et. al.: (1990) "Approach to Causal
     Modeling in Fuzzy Environemnt + Appl", /Fuzzy Sets + Systems/, v. 35,
     pp. 43-55

Pedrycz, W: (1981) "On Approach to the Analysis of Fuzzy Systmes",
     /Int. J. of Control/, v. 34, pp. 403-421

Ramer, Arthur: (1989) "Conditional Possibility Measures", /Cybernetics
     and Systems/, v. 20, pp. 233-247

          Later update of definitions of conditional possibility.

     (1990) "Axioms of Uncertainty Measures: Dependence + Indep.", /Fuzzy
     Sets + Systems/, v. 35, pp. 185-196

Roberts, DW: (1989) "Analysis of Forest Succession with Fuzzy Graph
     Theory", /Ecological Modeling/, v. 45, pp. 261-274

Ruspini, Enrique H: (1989) "Semantics of Vague Knowledge", /Rev. Int.
     de Systemique/, v. 3:4, pp. 387-420

Santos, E: (1968) "Maximin Automata", /Information Control/, v. 13,
     pp. 363-377

     (1972) "On Reductions of Maximin Machines", /J. Math. Anal. Appl./, v.
     40, pp. 60-78

Santos, E, and Wee, WG: (1968) "General Formulation of Sequential
     Machines", /Information Control/, v. 12, pp. 5-10

Shafer, Glen: (1976) /A Mathematical Theory of Evidence/, Princeton
     U., Princeton

          On the foundations of extended information theory, in particular
          extended probabilities, Dempster-Shafer evidential inference, and
          possibility theory.

     (1987) "Belief Functions and Possibility Measures", in: /Analysis of
     Fuzzy Information/, v. 1 of 3, pp. 51-85, CRC Press, Boca Raton

Shahinpoor, M: (1982) "Mathematical Modelling of theFuture for Complex
     Systems", /Mathematical Modelling/, v. 3, pp. 153-160

Sims, John R, and Wang, Zhenyuan: (1990) "Fuzzy Measures and Fuzzy
     Integrals: An Overview", /Int. J. Gen. Sys./, v. to appear

Smithson, Michael: (1988) /Ignorance and Uncertainty: Emerging
     Paradigms/, Springer-Verlag, New York

          Modern philosphical treatment, fuzzy.

Strat, TM: (1984) "Continuous Belief Functions for Evidential
     Reasoning", in: /Proc. 1984 Am. Assoc. for AI/, pp. 308-313

Walley, P, and Fine, TL: (1979) "Varieties of Model (Classificatory)
     and Compar. Prob.", /Synthese/, v. 41, pp. 321-374

          On fuzzy chance.

Wang, G, and et. al., : (1989) "Dynamic Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy
     Processes", in: /Proc. 3rd IFSA Conference/, pp. 276-279

Wang, Paul P, and Chang, SK: eds. (1980) /Fuzzy Sets/, Plenum, New

Wang, Zhenyuan: (1989) /Fuzzy Measure Theory/, NOTE: To be published

Wechler, W: (1978) /Concept of Fuzziness in Automata and Language

Wee, WG, and Fu, KS: (1969) "Formulation of Fuzzy Aut.+Appl. as Model
     of Learn. Sys.", /IEEE Trans. Sys. Sci. Cyb./, v. 5, pp. 215-223

Whalen, Thomas, and Schott, Brian: (1985) "Alternative Logics for
     Approximate Reasoning in Exp.Sys", /Int. J. Man-Machine Studies/, v.

Wong, GA, and Shen, DWC: "On Learning Behavior of Fuzzy Automata",
     /Advances in Cyb. and Sys./, v. 2, pp. 885

Yen, John: (1989) "Gertis: Dempster-Shafer App. to Diagnosing Hier.
     Hyp.", /Comm. ACM/, v. 32:5, pp. 573-585

Zadeh, Lofti A: (1965) "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", in: /Systems Theory/,
     ed. J. Fox, pp. 29-37, Polytechnic Press, Brooklyn NY

     (1968) "Probability Measures of Fuzzy Events", /J. Math. Analysis +
     Applications/, v. 10, pp. 421-427

     (1973) "Outline of a New Approach to Analysis of Complex Sys.", /IEEE
     Trans. on Sys., Man + Cyb./, v. 3

          A motivation for using fuzziness in dealing with very complex systems
          is discussed in detail in terms of linguistic variables.

     (1975) /Fuzzy Sets + Appl. to Cognitive + Decision Processes/,
     Academic Press

     (1978) "Fuzzy Sets as the Basis for a Theory of Possibility", /Fuzzy
     Sets and Systems/, v. 1, pp. 3-28

          Seminal paper on possibility theory.

     (1982) "Fuzzy Systems Theory: Framework for Anal. of Buer. Sys.", in:
     /Sys. Meth. in Social Science Res./, ed. RE Cavallo, pp. 25-41,
     Kluwer-Nijhoff, Boston

     (1985) "Role of Fuzzy Logic in Management of Unc. in Expert Sys", in:
     /Approximate Reasoning in Exp. Sys./, ed. MM Gupta et. al., U
     California, Berkeley

     (1989) "Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy Logic", /IEEE Trans. on
     Knowledge+ Data Eng./, v. 1:1, pp. 89-100

          Review of fuzzy logic through linguistic variables.

Zadeh, Lofti A.: ed. (1987) /Fuzzy Sets and Applications/, ed. Yager
     et. al., Wiley, New York

Zwick, Martin: (1978) "Fuzziness and Catastrophe", in: /Proc. of the
     Int. Conf. of Cyb.+Soc/, pp. 1237-1241, Tokyo/Kyoto, NOTE: IEEE SMC

| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large, cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, Box 1070, Binghamton NY 13901, USA
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .