[comp.realtime] Operating Systems Real-Time System Performance ?

erik@abblund.se (Erik Sparre) (11/07/90)

We are interested in NERT (NEar Real Time) or "soft" real-time system
performance for the following operating systems:

  OSF/1, SystemV.4, OS/2, VMS.

Any kind of information or references to information that could aid us
in determining the quantitative values and/or quality of real-time performance 
such as :

- scheduling policy

- context switch overhead 

- kernel latency (minimum, typical and maximum)

- interrupt latency (minimum, typical and maximum)

- time to complete system calls (minimum, typical and maximum)

- interprocess communication and synchronization overhead

- Disc I/O request timing (with or without request priority)  
  (minimum, typical and maximum)

would be appreciated.

We want compare and predict performance for Graphical User Interface
functions in industrial process supervision systems.
Thanks in advance

Bo Johansson 
Erik Sparre                                  | Email erik@abblund.se
ABB Corporate Research                       | Phone +46 46 168527
Dept. KLL, Lab for Man-Machine Communication | Telex        33709
IDEON Research Park, S-223 70 LUND, SWEDEN   | Fax   +46 46 145620