ibanez@grad1.cis.upenn.edu (Maria Ibanez) (03/21/91)
ACAI-91 PROGRAM ***************** Date: 1 - 12, July 1,991 Location: Bilbao, Spain Program Committee: Inaki Etxebarria, LABEIN (IDEIA Group) Mikel Emaldi, LABEIN (IDEIA Group) Jose Cuena, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid Francisco Garijo, Telefonica I + D Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Centre d'Estudis Avancats de Blanes - CEAB-CSIC Juan Pazos, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid Tim Smithers, University of Edinburgh Preliminary Program: Issues on Reasoning 1.- Cooperative & Distributed Problem Solving (8 hours) V. Lesser (U. of Massachussetts at Amherst) 2.- Temporal Reasoning (8 hours) M. Shanahan (Imperial College) & Y. Shoham (Stanford Univ.) 3.- Case Based Reasoning & Learning (8 hours) J. Kolodner (Georgia Institute of Technology) 4.- General Cognitive Architectures (8 hours) L. Steels & W. van de Velde (Free Univ. of Brussels) 5.- Validation of Knowledge Based Systems (4 hours) E. Plaza & P. Meseguer (CEAB-CSIC) 6.- Knowledge Elicitation Techniques (4 hours) P. Smith (Sunderland Polytech.) Course Schedule: Two (2) weeks in July 91 4 lecture hours every morning (total 40 hours) Contact Address: Mikel Emaldi Tel: + 34-4-441-93-00 LABEIN Fax: + 34-4-441-17-49 IDEIA Dept. Telex: 33018 LABI E Cuesta de Olabeaga 16 Email: acai@labein.es E-48013 Bilbao - SPAIN P.O.Box 1234 E-48080 Bilbao - SPAIN Please send us your mail address, and we shall forward you further information. ****************************************************************************** The cost of the course will be 195,000 Spanish Pesetas, including housing and tax; there will also be a number of partial and full grants.