[net.auto] When to change tires

lute (05/06/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/3/83; site mhuxt.UUCP
Date:Fri, 6-May-83 15:34:16 EDT

I have a a 1981 Mazda GLC Wagon that will turn 2 years old this month.  Since
I changed jobs last July, I am putting on 500+ miles per week (2200m/mo) on
my car.  I recently turned 35,000 miles (this week).  The tires which came
with the car are Bridgestone SBRs.  I just took the snows off last Sat.,
and had the tires rotated.  The treads look almost brand new, but I'm
worried that there might be danger signs of wear (other than the treads)
that I am missing.

When should I replace my tires?  Thanks for any advice.

					Jim Collymore