dave@exlog.com (Dave St.Clair) (06/01/91)
This may interest current/future users of WindX who have a need for a commercial GUI toolkit. I've been beta-testing the WindX product for VxWorks for a couple months and have found it a pretty good product. For our use, though, it is lacking in a couple areas, namely a commercial-grade GUI toolkit and a window manager. Well, WindRiver plans on supporting either (or both) the OpenLook and Motif toolkits along with their respective window mangers but work has not yet begun nor is there any kind of schedule (at least they wouldn't tell me). As is the norm, my project schedule does not allow me to wait for WR, so I've taken it on myself to port the XView toolkit and olwm. The toolkit port includes approximately 80% of the UNIX version. I intentionally left out the tty, text and help packages since these don't seem to make sense (to me) in a real-time app. The port is essentially complete, except for some minor clean-up. Olwm should be finished in a couple weeks. I haven't decided if I'm going to incorporate the ability to run a task from the WM. I may attempt to port Scott Oak's olvwm. My reason for posting is to find out if there is any interest out there for XView and olwm for VxWorks? Let me know, Dave St.Clair dave@exlog.com (713)744-4735