[net.auto] test drive a what????

jeff (05/12/83)

Relay-Version:version B 3/9/83; site alice.UUCP
Date:Wed, 11-May-83 21:36:27 EDT

1. Look like you can afford the car
     A. Be over 30
     B. Dress well.
2. Look like you`re the right type for the car
     A. Be under 65
     B. Be accompanied by a very attractive woman (if you`re a man)
     C. Know the right technical jargon
3. Say you read about the new technology in the Wall Street Journal
4. Don`t drive up in your brand-new Porsche, BMW or of course Corvette
5. Don`t drive up in your Horizon, either
6. Tell the salesman you didn`t really have time to drive the car right
   now anyway, but would he be so kind as to pick you up at your office
   on Tuesday?
      A. At the office omit 2(B)
      B. Where you tell the salesman your "office" is is up to you.