werner@sdbio2.ucsd.edu (Pamela Werner) (09/01/90)
I am using the CODONPREFERENCE program, one of the GCG, University of Wisconsin, Sequence Analysis Package programs. The default codon usage table is: EcoHigh.cod which is not which is not appropriate for my study. I am analyzing a certain pig sequence. Does anyone know of a pig (mammalian) codon usage table in the Wisconsin package. I will appreciate the name of this table. Any of my searches in the written and online documentation were unsuccessful. Thank you for any information. Also, does anyone know the BITNET address of the GCG (Genetic Computer Group) at the university of Wisconsin who distribute this package. Please send me any information you may have on this network or via the BITNET to: JREIZER@UCSD.BITNET Thank you again for any assistance in this subject matter A Reizer D D Pleasme anyinfor C C appropriate for my study. I need Does anyone k C Does anyone know