[bionet.population-bio] dyes+biog

AEBAKER@csugreen.bitnet (ann baker biology dept 303 491 5307) (04/28/89)

If anyone knows of dyes that are eaten by rodents and that last
for several months in the body, I would appreciate reference
citations, advice. I have begun using sudan black b and
tetracycline hydrochloride, both in high concentrations can
be seen on the feet, nose, tail without dissection of animal.

ann eileen miller baker (aebaker@csugreen)
department of biology
colorado state university
fort collins co usa 80523
303 491 5307

behavioral genetics, ecological genetics, behavioral ecology
  with an emphasis on gene migration, mate choice
Mus primarily, but also Melanoplus (Orthoptera); Passerina (Aves)
traps, transmitters, dyes, electrophoresis, morphometrics,
  behavioral observations, DNA hybridization probes