[bionet.population-bio] Definitions are Drivel

UDBM011@hazel.cc.kcl.ac.uk (05/16/89)

In reply to I hate to think how many items, and in particular to John Lynch 15
May 1989, and in support of DHIGGINS;

Saying that ""painters use paint" is true but not very helpful" as an analogy of
saying ""PB is the study of populations" is simplistic" begs the question do
painters/artists spend their whole lives bickering about what painting is or do
they actually go out and paint? Would Leonardo ever have painted the Mona Lisa
if he had started wondering whether he was a painter or an artist? Are there any
population biologists out there actually doing anything except holding lengthy
debates over what exactly they should be studying if indeed they had time to
study it in between wondering what it was in the first place?

Simon Gray, Microbial Physiology Group, King's College London.