[bionet.population-bio] self-descriptions available / average subscriber / PHYLIP package

VINCENT@buclln11.bitnet ("Vincent Bauchau - Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium") (05/19/89)

1> in reply to Eric Wajnberg:
I keep a file containing all (and only) the self-descriptions
and make it as short as possible by deleting all unnecessary lines.
I'll send this file to anyone interested
(remember: ask to VINCENT@BUCLLN11.BITNET, not to the list !).
If you look for some key words, the best would be to use the SERACH or
LOCATE or any similar function of your editor, once you have got the file.
I cannot see of any other "procedure".

2> Description of the average subscriber to POP$BIO:

Sex               : 85% male
Main interests    : population ecology (35%), pop. genetics (23%),
                    evolution (16%), behaviour (10%), morphology (10%)
Favourite species : Mammals (mostly rodents and hominids; 58%),
                    Insects (21%), Plants (16%)
Methods           : computer (Stats, modelling; 21%), molecular biology
                    (16%), trapping and tracking (18%), morphometry (8%),
                    cytogenetics (8%)

3> Joseph Felsenstein has made the 3.2 release of his package PHYLIP
(Phylogeny Inference Package) available for free.
Principal features of PHYLIP: parsimony, compatibility and maximum
likelihood methods for discontinuous, continuous and molecular/DNA data.
The whole package (72 files, 2.2 megabytes) can be obtained over bitnet.
Some of J. Felsenstein's e-mail addresses are:
on EARN/BITNET      : felsenst @ uwalocke
on INTERNET/ARPANET : uw-evolution!joe @ entropy.ms.washington.edu
on UUCP             : ... uw-beaver!uw-entropy!uw-evolution!joe
A version for the Apple McIntosh is available by Willem Ellis
(Univ. Amsterdam; e-mail: u00267 @ hasara5.bitnet).
I strongly recommend PHYLIP to anyone having to estimate phylogenies.

4> I am not going any further in the definition discussion, although I think
it is not without some interest. More specific questions have been
posted recently. I hope everybody will do his/her best to reply to them.

      -Vincent Bauchau, Dept Biology, Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve
           (list "moderator" of an unmoderated list)