[bionet.population-bio] international congress of evolutionary biology

VINCENT@buclln11.bitnet ("Vincent Bauchau - Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium") (06/02/89)

ANNOUCEMENT:      Second Congress of the
          European Society for Evolutionary Biology.
              Roma, Italy, September 25-29, 1989

The following symposia are scheduled:

-Natural selection in the wild.
-The Drosophila obscura group: a paradigm in evol. studies.
-Plant population biology.
-Molecular phylogenetics.
-Conservation biology: a population biology approach.
-Reaction norms: evolutionary, ecological and general significance.
-Biological basis of homology and their phylogenetic implications.
-Evolutionary genetics of human populations.

There are also plenary lectures, workshops and contributed papers
and posters.
Invited speakers include Cain, Clutton-brock, Endler, Ayala, Falconer...

More information can be obtained from:

The Scientific Secretariat:         The Organizing Secretariat:

Prof. V. Sbordoni                   Studio EGA srl
Dipartimento di Biologia            Viale Tiziano 19
Univ. di Roma "Tor Vergata"         00196 Roma, Italy
Via Orazio Raimondo
00173 Roma, Italy

    Vincent Bauchau,           Department of Biology,
    Vincent@Buclln11           Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve
    (List moderator)

(It seems that I inadvertedly sent a note to the list while it was
intended to a French fellow. This note says that one must send to
the list only those messages of general interest! I promise I'll
be more carefull next time a use the REPLY command of my mailing
system. It did reply to the list and not to the original
sender, which I thought it always does).