NZPEM001@sivm.bitnet (Michael Stuewe) (04/10/90)
CONSLINK A BITNET BASED ELECTRONIC CONFERENCE AND BULLETIN BOARD ON ALL TOPICS OF BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION The Smithsonian Institution is involved in conservation related education and research projects world-wide. We established CONSLINK as an electronic conference and bulletin board to improve communication between individuals and institutions around the world who are interested in the general topic of biological conservation. CONSLINK is distributed through BITNET, an academic and research computer network, which is internationally connected to many other networks. Using only a few commands you should be able to make full use of CONSLINK. At the end and in a separate file, CONSLINK HELP, we provide a brief summary of these commands and how to use them. In case you have no success accessing CONSLINK, please contact your computer center. THE CONSLINK CONFERENCE When you sign up for the CONSLINK CONFERENCE, your user-id will be added to a distribution list. Any electronic mail that you send to the BITNET address CONSLINK AT SIVM will automatically be sent to everyone on that distribution list. In case you would like to comment on a message you received on CONSLINK, you have the choice to either reply to the whole CONSLINK CONFERENCE or to the individual who originally sent the message. The scope and degree of expertise available to CONSLINK users depends upon the number of participants. Therefore, we welcome your enrollment and encourage you to distribute this message to your colleagues. If you have a question or information about any particular conservation-related topic, send it to CONSLINK, and see if someone has the answer. Topics of general interest include dates of conferences, symposia, and workshops; new publications; grants and positions that have become available. Why not let everyone know what you know! THE CONSLINK BULLETIN BOARD In the months to come we will compile a set of files on general conservation related topics that will reside on the CONSLINK BULLETIN BOARD. They will include lists of conferences, references, grants, positions, and news items of general interest. These files will be generated from the discussions of the CONSLINK CONFERENCE. You can instruct the Smithsonian's computer with simple commands to send you the files at any time. An index of all files is available and is regularly updated. AN INTRODUCTION TO CONSLINK COMMANDS CONSLINK works two ways: - You can register for the CONSLINK CONFERENCE and have your name included on a distribution list. That way you can send the same message to every participant on the list and receive all messages sent by everyone else on the list. - You can instruct the Smithsonian Institution's computer to send you files of general interest from the CONSLINK BULLETIN BOARD. You do not have to be registered for the conference to do that. The commands you have to use to interact with CONSLINK depend on the computer system through which your institution is connected to BITNET. - If you are using an IBM 370 class or compatible mainframe which uses the CP/CMS operating system, and is connected directly to BITNET, you may issue the commands: TELL LISTSERV AT SIVM SUBSCRIBE CONSLINK Your Name to have your name added to the distribution list of the CONSLINK CONFERENCE. Once registered, any mail that you want to send to all participants on this list should be addressed to CONSLINK AT SIVM. TELL LISTSERV AT SIVM GET CONSLINK HELP to have the Smithsonian's computer automatically send the file CONSLINK HELP to your account. This file contains a summary of the CONSLINK commands. TELL LISTSERV AT SIVM INDEX CONSLINK to have the Smithsonian's computer automatically send the file CONSLINK FILELIST to your account. This file is an index of all files available on the CONSLINK BULLETIN BOARD. At present these are INFO, HELP, MEETINGS, and monthly summaries of the ongoing discussion in the CONSLINK CONFERENCE. More will be added as they become available. - If you are using a VAX machine which is connected directly to BITNET you will have to substitute TELL LISTSERV AT SIVM with: SEND LISTSERV@SIVM - If you are not connected directly to BITNET but rather use a different computer network that has a gateway to BITNET, you may not be able to issue the TELL LISTSERV AT SIVM command. Instead you should send a regular mail item (note) to LISTSERV AT SIVM which contains only the commands SUBSCRIBE CONSLINK Your Name and/or INDEX CONSLINK and/or GET CONSLINK HELP and/or GET CONSLINK MEETINGS etc. CONSLINK c/o Michael Stuewe Conservation and Research Center National Zoological Park Smithsonian Institution Front Royal, VA 22630, USA BITNET: NZPEM001 at SIVM Please distribute this message among your colleagues.