If anyone may have had difficulty sending mail messages because of that "Personal Message" that I referred to, I repeat my topic of my Organic Evolution term paper which is due on November 2: TOPIC: Write a paper on some aspect of gene frequency changes in the populations of a particular species, genus, or a particular family of organisms. I would like to discuss Aquatic Biology or some aspect of Plant Physiology, in relatation to this above topic. Can anyone recommend a list of biblio- graphy sources that would help me? PERSONAL NOTE TO THE PERSON ON POP-BIO WHO SENT ME A MAIL MESSAGE EARLIER THIS AFTERNOON (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME): I'm referring to the person who made the comment to me in a message, this afternoon about recommending that there "...is...a large building on campus...called the library...". I want to let you know that I took exception to this comment. Of course, I'm researching in the library. You sounded as though you thought I was insincere in doing this paper. As I said...This paper was assigned, roughly 1 and 1/2 weeks ago. At about this same time, there was a death in my immediate family. This put everything on hold for a week (for me). I'm sorry that you couldn't understand this. However, this is my reason (whether or one might choose to accept it) for taking so long to do this paper. I'm sure you didn't intend on having me taking exception to this comment. However, I felt that you should be made ware of how I felt about it. William Hart(HART32@SNYBUFVA.BITNET) Home telephone number: (716) 284-5790
The easiest starting point for your topic is a series called Annual Reviews of Ecology and Systematics. They appear yearly, now up to vol. 20. Simply go through the table of contents of these volumes looking for review articles for this topic. That will lead you to the rest of the literature. Good luck!