[bionet.population-bio] terrestrial isopods


I am a botanist trying to find some good animal-related
labot[Dratories for a general ecology class.  It strikes me
that the terrestrial isopods (pillbugs and sowbugs) might
make a good experimental system for a 3-hour lab.
  Is anyone out there familiar with these beasties?  Are
there any keys to the North American species?  Does anyone
know of any reliable experiments to do on them, that can
be doine indoors at any time of year, with minimal equipment?
  I also think earthworms might make a good system.  Doie[D[Des anyone
have good luck from them ?  I recall hearing l[Dsomeone say that our
most common species of earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris?) is not
native to North America.  Is this true?  If so, what is its natural
  -Mike Palmer, Depat[Drtment of Botany, Oklahoma Statue[D[De Univeristy
   Stillwater OK 74078 USA    BTNYW[D[D[D[Ditnet:  btnymwp@osucc