joe@GENETICS.WASHINGTON.EDU (Joe Felsenstein) (06/29/91)
PHYLIP version 3.4 INCLUDING MACINTOSH EXECUTABLES AVAILABLE We have now added to directory "pub" of the anonymous ftp area of my machine (IP number the executables for Macintoshes of version 3.4 of PHYLIP, which was recently released. We have also re-posted the sources, documents, and PCDOS executables to correct some bugs which were found. If you ftp-ed the package between June 14 and 26th, and especially between June 14th and 18th, you should consider fetching the coorected version. The sources and documents, and the PCDOS and Macintosh executables, are available as compressed tar archives. The sources and docs, the PCDOS executables, and the Mac executables, are also available as self-extracting archives. To get started fetch file "pub/" which is a text file and contains instructions for ftp-ing the rest. For information on diskette distribution, see below. As the previous notice of the release of PHYLIP 3.4 did not reach some news groups, I repeat below the summary of new features and the general distribution information. Apologies to everyone else for the long posting and the repetition of the information. ----- Joe Felsenstein, Dept. of Genetics, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 Internet: (IP No. Bitnet/EARN: felsenst@uwavm UUCP: ... uw-beaver!evolution.genetics!joe ============================================================================== There are many changes from the previous version. Here is a summary of the major changes since version 3.3: 1. All programs now have interactive menus for the user to choose options and details of the analysis. All write results to output files and trees to tree files by default. It is no longer necessary to modify the input files to specify most options. 2. Three new programs have been added: SEQBOOT is a general bootstrapping tool allowing sequences, restriction sites patterns, morphological data, etc. to be bootstrapped. NEIGHBOR performs the Neighbor-Joining and UPGMA distance matrix methods, and can handle much larger cases than the other distance methods owing to its higher speed. CONTRAST reads in a tree and a data set and computes the contrasts between species that are needed in comparative methods. 3. Almost all programs have been changed to read in multiple data sets, so together with SEQBOOT and the consensus tree program CONSENSE this allows most kinds of analysis in the package to be bootstrapped. 4. All sequence methods now allow input data to be in either "interleaved" or "sequential" format (i.e. the PHYLIP 3.3 format or the earlier one). 5. There have been corrections and improvements in the tree-drawing programs, which can now produce output for an HP Laserjet, for PC Paintbrush .PCX format files, and for Macintosh screens. 6. SEQBOOT also allows the J.Archie/D.Faith method of permutation of species within characters to test for the absence of significant evidence of phylogenetic structure, 7. The DNA Maximum Likelihood program DNAML is now about 60% faster. 8. The restriction site maximum likelihood program RESTML now allows for the fact that the data may have been generated by use of multiple enzymes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYLIP - Phylogeny Inference Package (version 3.4) This is a FREE package of programs for inferring phylogenies and carrying out certain related tasks. At present it contains 31 programs, which carry out different algorithms on different kinds of data. The programs in the package are: ---------- Programs for molecular sequence data ---------- PROTPARS Protein parsimony DNAPARS Parsimony method for DNA DNAMOVE Interactive DNA parsimony DNAPENNY Branch and bound for DNA DNABOOT Bootstraps DNA parsimony DNACOMP Compatibility for DNA DNAINVAR Phylogenetic invariants DNAML Maximum likelihood method DNAMLK DNAML with molecular clock DNADIST Distances from sequences RESTML ML for restriction sites SEQBOOT Bootstraps sequence data sets ----------- Programs for distance matrix data ------------ FITCH Fitch-Margoliash and least-squares methods KITSCH Fitch-Margoliash and least squares methods with evolutionary clock NEIGHBOR Neighbor-joining and UPGMA methods -------- Programs for gene frequencies and continuous characters ------- CONTML Maximum likelihood method GENDIST Computes genetic distances CONTRAST Computes contrasts and correlations for comparative method studies ------------- Programs for discrete state data ----------- MIX Wagner, Camin-Sokal, and mixed parsimony criteria MOVE Interactive Wagner, C-S, mixed parsimony program PENNY Finds all most parsimonious trees by branch-and-bound BOOT Bootstrap confidence interval on mixed parsimony methods DOLLOP, DOLMOVE, DOLPENNY, DOLBOOT same as preceding four programs, but for the Dollo and polymorphism parsimony criteria CLIQUE Compatibility method FACTOR recode multistate characters ---------- Programs for plotting trees and consensus trees ------- DRAWGRAM Draws cladograms and phenograms on screens, plotters and printers DRAWTREE Draws unrooted phylogenies on screens, plotters and printers CONSENSE Majority-rule and strict consensus trees The package includes extensive documentation files that provide the information necessary to use and modify the programs. COMPATIBILITY: The programs are written in a very standard subset of Pascal, a language that is available on most computers (including microcomputers). The programs require only trivial modifications to run on most machines: for example they work with only minor modifications with Turbo Pascal, and without modifications on VAX VMS Pascal. Pascal source code is distributed in the regular version of PHYLIP: compiled object code is not. To use that version, you must have a Pascal compiler. DISKETTE DISTRIBUTION: The package is distributed in a variety of microcomputer diskette formats. You should send FORMATTED diskettes, which I will return with the package written on them. See below for how many diskettes to send. The source code of the programs on the electronic network or magnetic tape versions may of course also be moved to microcomputers and compiled there. PRECOMPILED VERSIONS: Precompiled executable programs for PCDOS systems are available from me. Specify the "PCDOS executable version" and send the number of extra diskettes indicated below. An Apple Macintosh version with precompiled code is available from me or from Willem Ellis, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018DH Amsterdam, Netherlands, if you send either of us 6 800K diskettes. HOW MANY DISKETTES TO SEND: The following table shows for different PCDODS formats how many diskettes to send, and how many extra diskettes to send for the PCDOS executable version: Diskette size Density For source code For executables send in addition 3.5 inch 1.44 Mb 2 2 5.25 inch 1.2 Mb 3 2 3.5 inch 720 Kb 4 3 5.25 inch 360 Kb 8 5 Some other formats are also available. You MUST tell me EXACTLY which of these formats you need. The diskettes MUST be formatted by you before being sent to me. Sending an extra diskette may be helpful. NETWORK DISTRIBUTION: The package is also available by distribution of the files directly over electronic networks, and by anonymous ftp (including PCDOS and Macintosh executables) from Contact me by electronic mail for details or start by fetching file pub/ TAPE DISTRIBUTION: The programs can also be distributed on a magnetic tape provided by you (which should be a small tape and need only be able to hold two megabytes). Contact me for details. POLICIES: The package is distributed free. I do not make it available or support it in South Africa. The package will be written on the diskettes or tape, which will be mailed back. They can be sent to: Joe Felsenstein Electronic mail addresses: Department of Genetics SK-50 Internet: University of Washington Bitnet/EARN: felsenst@uwavm Seattle, Washington 98195 UUCP: ... uw-beaver!evolution.genetics!joe U.S.A.