kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (07/22/89)
CC ORIGINAL PAPERS AU Moser-E-B. TI Exploring contingency tables with correspondence analysis. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 183-189. AU Weiner-M-P. Scheraga-H-A. TI A set of Macintosh computer programs for the design and analysis of synthetic genes. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 191-198. AU Vu Tien Khang-J. TI A FORTRAN subroutine to compute inbreeding and kinship coefficients according to the number of ancestral generations. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 199-204. AU Le-S-Y. Owens-J. Nussinov-R. Chen-J-H. Shapiro-B. Maizel-J-V. TI RNA secondary structures: comparison and determination of frequently recurring substructures by consensus. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 205-210. AU Thanaraj-T-A. Kolaskar-A-S. Pandit-M-W. TI An extension of the graph theoretical approach to predict the secondary structure of large RNAs: the complex of 16S and 23S rRNAs from E.coli as a case study. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 211-218. AU Orozco-M. Franco-R. TI TEFOOL/2: a program for theoretical drug design on microcomputers. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 219-226. AU Cockwell-K-Y. Giles-I-G. TI Software tools for motif and pattern scanning: program descriptions including a universal sequence reading algorithm. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 227-232. CC APPLICATIONS NOTES AU Cabot-E-L. Beckenbach-A-T. TI Simultaneous editing of multiple nucleic acid and protein sequences with ESEE. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 233-234. AU Dannenfelser-R. Yalkowsky-S-H. TI Database for aqueous solubility of nonelectrolytes. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 235-236. AU Liu-J. Parkinson-J-S. TI A Macintosh program for drawing circular plasmid maps. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 237-238. AU Marsalek-J. Kostrowicki-J. Spychala-J. TI LEHM: a convenient non-linear regression microcomputer program for fitting Michaelis-Menten and Hill models to enzyme kinetic data. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 239-240. AU Orozco-M. Luque-F-J. TI POEAMS: program for outliers elimination in 'anomalous' multidimensional space. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 241-242. AU Zullini-A. Manganelli-G. TI A new computer program for nematode identification. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 243-244. AU Suitsu-A. Vilu-R. Jarv-U. TI Programs for reference library managing. SO Comput-Appl-Biosci. 1989 Jul 5(3). P 245. CC UPDATE