[bionet.journals.contents] Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 265, no. 29, 15 October 1990

kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (10/19/90)

CC Biological Chemistry
CC CONTENTS          Volume 265 Number 29 (1990)

AU Prescott-S-M.  Zimmerman-G-A.  McIntyre-T-M.  
TI Platelet-activating factor.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17381.

AU Shite-S.  Seguchi-T.  Mizoguchi-H.  Ono-M.  Kuwano-M.  
TI Differential effects of brefeldin A on sialylation of N- and
   4]O-linked oligosaccharides in low density lipoprotein receptor and
   epidermal growth factor receptor.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17385.

AU Weisinger-G.  DeCristofaro-J-D.  LaGamma-E-F.  
TI Multiple preproenkephalin transcriptional start sites are induced by
   stress and cholinergic pathways.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17389.

AU Digard-P.  Coen-D-M.  
TI A novel functional domain of an alpha-like DNA polymerase. The binding
   site on the herpes simplex virus polymerase for the viral UL42 protein.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17393.

AU Schmidt-E-E.  Owen-R-A.  Merrill-G-F.  
TI An intragenic region downstream from the dihydrofolate reductase
   promoter is required for replication-dependent expression.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17397.

AU Strickland-D-K.  Ashcom-J-D.  Williams-S.  Burgess-W-H.  Migliorini-M.  
TI Sequence identity between the alpha2-macroglobulin receptor and low
   density lipoprotein receptor-related protein suggests that this molecule is 
   a multifunctional receptor.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17401.

AU Clarke-D-M.  Loo-T-W.  MacLennan-D-H.  
TI The epitope for monoclonal antibody A20 (amino acids 870-890) is
   located on the luminal surface of the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic 
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17405.

AU Zhou-K.  Kohlhaw-G-B.  
TI Transcriptional activator LEU3 of yeast. Mapping of the
   transcriptional activation function and significance of activation domain 
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17409.

AU Dyda-F.  Furey-W.  Swaminathan-S.  Sax-M.  Farrenkopf-B.  Jordan-F.  
TI Preliminary crystallographic data for the thiamin diphosphate-dependent
   enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase from brewers' yeast.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17413.

AU Giri-J-G.  Newton-R-C.  Horak-R.  
TI Identification of soluble interleukin-1 binding protein in cell-free
   supernatants. Evidence for soluble interleukin-1 receptor.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17416.

AU Thiagarajan-P.  Tait-J-F.  
TI Binding of annexin V/placental anticoagulant protein I to platelets.
   Evidence for phosphatidylserine exposure in the procoagulant response of 
   activated platelets.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17420.

AU Petersen-A.  Szwergold-B-S.  Kappler-F.  Weingarten-M.  Brown-T-R.  
TI Identification of sorbitol 3-phosphate and fructose 3-phosphate in
   normal and diabetic human erythrocytes.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17424.

AU Bernasconi-P.  Rausch-T.  Struve-I.  Morgan-L.  Taiz-L.  
TI An mRNA from human brain encodes an isoform of the B subunit of the
   vacuolar H+-ATPase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17428.

AU Gandhi-C-R.  Stephenson-K.  Olson-M-S.  
TI Endothelin, a potent peptide agonist in the liver.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17432.

AU Chang-L-M-S.  Bollum-F-J.  
TI Multiple roles of divalent cation in the terminal
   deoxynucleotidyltransferase reaction.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17436.

AU Hegg-L-A.  Kou-M.  Thurlow-D-L.  
TI Recognition of the tRNA-like structure in tobacco mosaic viral RNA by
   ATP/CTP:tRNA nucleotidyltransferases from Escherichia coli and 
   Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17441.

AU Oertling-W-A.  Hille-R.  
TI Resonance-enhanced Raman scattering from the molybdenum center of
   xanthine oxidase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17446.

AU Kaneko-T.  Hashimoto-T.  Kumpaisal-R.  Yamada-Y.  
TI Molecular cloning of wheat dihydrodipicolinate synthase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17451.

AU Murayama-Y.  Okamoto-T.  Ogata-E.  Asano-T.  Iiri-T.  Katada-T.  Ui-M.  
   Grubb-J-H.  Sly-W-S.  Nishimoto-I.  
TI Distinctive regulation of the functional linkage between the human
   cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor and GTP-binding proteins by 
   insulin-like growth factor II and mannose 6-phosphate.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17456.

AU Fujiwara-K.  Okamura-Ikeda-K.  Motokawa-Y.  
TI cDNA sequence, in vitro synthesis, and intramitochondrial
   lipoylation of H-protein of the glycine cleavage system.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17463.

AU Huang-C.  Cabot-M-C.  
TI Vasopressin-induced polyphosphoinositide and phosphatidylcholine
   degradation in fibroblast. Temporal relationship for formation of 
   phospholipase C and phospholipase D hydrolysis products.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17468.

AU Lazar-M-A.  
TI Sodium butyrate selectively alters thyroid hormone receptor gene
   expression in GH3 cells.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17474.

AU Pietri-F.  Hilly-M.  Mauger-J.  
TI Calcium mediates the interconversion between two states of the liver
   inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17478.

AU Kass-G-E-N.  Llopis-J.  Chow-S-C.  Duddy-S-K.  Orrenius-S.  
TI Receptor-operated calcium influx in rat hepatocytes. Identification and
   characterization using manganese.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17486.

AU Kitajima-Y.  Takasaki-Y.  Takahashi-I.  Hori-K.  
TI Construction and properties of active chimeric enzymes between human
   aldolases A and B. Analysis of molecular regions which determine 
   isozyme-specific functions.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17493.

AU Gullberg-M.  Noreus-K.  Brattsand-G.  Friedrich-B.  Shingler-V.  
TI Purification and characterization of a 19-kilodalton intracellular
   protein. An activation-regulated putative protein kinase C substrate of T 
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17499.

AU Buckley-M-F.  Loveland-K-A.  McKinstry-W-J.  Garson-O-M.  Goding-J-W.  
TI Plasma cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1. cDNA cloning of the human
   molecule, amino acid sequence, and chromosomal location.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17506.

AU Chalifa-V.  Mohn-H.  Liscovitch-M.  
TI A neutral phospholipase D activity from rat brain synaptic plasma
   membranes. Identification and partial characterization.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17512.

AU Karnik-S-S.  Khorana-H-G.  
TI Assembly of functional rhodopsin requires a disulfide bond between
   cysteine residues 110 and 187.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17520.

AU Ohta-M.  Nelson-D.  Nelson-J.  Meglasson-M-D.  Erecinska-M.  
TI Oxygen and temperature dependence of stimulated insulin secretion in
   isolated rat islets of Langerhans.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17525.

AU Britigan-B-E.  Pou-S.  Rosen-G-M.  Lilleg-D-M.  Buettner-G-R.  
TI Hydroxyl radical is not a product of the reaction of xanthine oxidase
   and xanthine. The confounding problem of adventitious iron bound to xanthine
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17533.

AU Jesty-J.  
TI Analysis of the generation and inhibition of factor Xa. Area under
   generation curves is independent of enzyme generation rate.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17539.

AU Jonas-A-J.  Jobe-H.  
TI Sulfate transport by rat liver lysosomes.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17545.

AU Burnham-D-N.  Uhlinger-D-J.  Lambeth-J-D.  
TI Diradylglycerol synergizes with an anionic amphiphile to activate
   superoxide generation and phosphorylation of p47]phox in a 
   cell-free system from human neutrophils.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17550.

AU Couturier-S.  Erkman-L.  Valera-S.  Rungger-D.  Bertrand-S.  Boulter-J.  
   Ballivet-M.  Bertrand-D.  
TI alpha5, alpha3, and Non-alpha3. Three clustered avian genes
   encoding neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-related subunits.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17560.

AU Parker-W.  Song-P.  
TI Location of helical regions in tetrapyrrole-containing proteins by a
   helical hydrophobic moment analysis. Application to phytochrome.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17568.

AU Chao-W.  Liu-H.  Zhou-W.  Hanahan-D-J.  Olson-M-S.  
TI Regulation of platelet-activating factor receptor and
   platelet-activating factor receptor-mediated biological response by cAMP in 
   rat Kupffer cells.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17576.

AU Black-M-E.  Hruby-D-E.  
TI Identification of the ATP-binding domain of vaccinia virus thymidine
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17584.

AU Romaniuk-P-J.  
TI Characterization of the equilibrium binding of Xenopus
   transcription factor IIIA to the 5 S RNA gene.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17593.

AU Wilson-K-M.  Minneman-K-P.  
TI Different pathways of 3Hinositol phosphate formation mediated by
   alpha]1a- and alpha]1b-adrenergic receptors.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17601.

AU Ikebe-M.  Reardon-S.  
TI Phosphorylation of smooth muscle caldesmon by calmodulin-dependent
   protein kinase II. Identification of the phosphorylation sites.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17607.

AU Homma-T.  Burns-K-D.  Harris-R-C.  
TI Agonist stimulation of Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport in rat
   glomerular mesangial cells. Evidence for protein kinase C-dependent and 
   Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent pathways.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17613.

AU Hendricks-S-P.  He-P.  Stults-C-L-M.  Macher-B-A.  
TI Regulation of the expression of Galalpha1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAc
   glycosphingolipids in kidney.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17621.

AU Gross-G.  Mielke-C.  Hollatz-I.  Blocker-H.  Frank-R.  
TI RNA primary sequence or secondary structure in the translational
   initiation region controls expression of two variant interferon-beta genes 
   in Escherichia coli.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17627.

AU Farrell-H-M.  Deeney-J-T.  Hild-E-K.  Kumosinski-T-F.  
TI Stopped flow and steady state kinetic studies of the effects of
   metabolites on the soluble form of NADP+:isocitrate dehydrogenase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17637.

AU Seery-V-L.  Farrell-H-M.  
TI Spectroscopic evidence for ligand-induced conformational change in
   NADP+:isocitrate dehydrogenase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17644.

AU Holland-D-R.  Clancy-L-L.  Muchmore-S-W.  Ryde-T-J.  Einspahr-H-M.  
   Finzel-B-C.  Heinrikson-R-L.  Watenpaugh-K-D.  
TI The crystal structure of a lysine 49 phospholipase A2 from the venom
   of the cottonmouth snake at 2.0-A resolution.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17649.

AU Kelley-L-L.  Blackmore-P-F.  Graber-S-E.  Stewart-S-J.  
TI Agents that raise cAMP in human T lymphocytes release an intracellular
   pool of calcium in the absence of inositol phosphate production.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17657.

AU Wubbolts-M-G.  Terpstra-P.  van Beilen-J-B.  Kingma-J.  Meesters-H-A-R.  
TI Variation of cofactor levels in Escherichia coli. Sequence
   analysis and expression of the pncbeta gene encoding nicotinic 
   acid phosphoribosyltransferase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17665.

AU Prince-W-S.  Villarejo-M-R.  
TI Osmotic control of proU transcription is mediated through
   direct action of potassium glutamate on the transcription complex.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17673.

AU Barra-D.  Schinina-M-E.  Bossa-F.  Puget-K.  Durosay-P.  Guissani-A.  
TI A tetrameric iron superoxide dismutase from the eucaryote
   Tetrahymena pyriformis.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17680.

AU Salhany-J-M.  Sloan-R-L.  Cordes-K-A.  
TI In situ cross-linking of human erythrocyte band 3 by
   bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate. Evidence for ligand modulation of two 
   alternate quaternary forms: covalent band 3 dimers and noncovalent 
   tetramers formed by the association of two covalent dimers.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17688.

AU Beaudry-G-A.  Mehta-N-M.  Ray-M-L.  Bertelsen-A-H.  
TI Purification and characterization of functional recombinant
   alpha-amidating enzyme secreted from mammalian cells.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17694.

AU Sasakawa-N.  Nakaki-T.  Kato-R.  
TI Stimulus-responsive and rapid formation of inositol pentakisphosphate in
   cultured adrenal chromaffin cells.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17700.

AU Cowles-E-A.  Agrwal-N.  Anderson-R-L.  Wang-J-L.  
TI Carbohydrate-binding protein 35. Isoelectric points of the polypeptide
   and a phosphorylated derivative.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17706.

AU Everett-E-A.  Falick-A-M.  Reich-N-O.  
TI Identification of a critical cysteine in EcoRI DNA
   methyltransferase by mass spectrometry.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17713.

AU Szczepaniak-A.  Cramer-W-A.  
TI Thylakoid membrane protein topography. Location of the termini of the
   chloroplast cytochrome b6 on the stromal side of the 
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17720.

AU Sottrup-Jensen-L.  Hansen-H-F.  Pedersen-H-S.  Kristensen-L.  
TI Localization of epsilon-lysyl-gamma-glutamyl cross-links in five human
   alpha2-macroglobulin-proteinase complexes. Nature of the high molecular 
   weight cross-linked products.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17727.

AU Huang-K.  Li-S.  Fung-W-C.  Hulmes-J-D.  Reik-L.  Pan-Y-E.  Low-M-G.  
TI Purification and characterization of
   glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17738.

AU Neeper-M-P.  Waxman-L.  Smith-D-E.  Schulman-C-A.  Sardana-M.  Ellis-R-W.  
   Schaffer-L-W.  Siegl-P-K-S.  Vlasuk-G-P.  
TI Characterization of recombinant tick anticoagulant peptide. A highly
   selective inhibitor of blood coagulation factor Xa.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17746.

AU Gaubatz-J-W.  Cutler-R-G.  
TI Mouse satellite DNA is transcribed in senescent cardiac muscle.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17753.

AU Pizza-M.  Bugnoli-M.  Manetti-R.  Covacci-A.  Rappuoli-R.  
TI The subunit S1 is important for pertussis toxin secretion.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17759.

AU Perera-S-Y.  Chen-T-C.  Curthoys-N-P.  
TI Biosynthesis and processing of renal mitochondrial glutaminase in
   cultured proximal tubular epithelial cells and in isolated mitochondria.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17764.

AU Galvin-Parton-P-A.  Watkins-D-C.  Malbon-C-C.  
TI Retinoic acid modulation of transmembrane signaling. Analysis in F9
   teratocarcinoma cells.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17771.

AU Pulkkinen-L.  Kainulainen-K.  Krusius-T.  Makinen-P.  Schollin-J.  
   Gustavsson-K.  Peltonen-L.  
TI Deficient expression of the gene coding for decorin in a lethal form of
   Marfan syndrome.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17780.

AU Koch-W-J.  Ellinor-P-T.  Schwartz-A.  
TI cDNA cloning of a dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel from rat
   aorta. Evidence for the existence of alternatively spliced forms.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17786.

AU Takeda-A.  Tomita-Y.  Matsunaga-J.  Tagami-H.  Shibahara-S.  
TI Molecular basis of tyrosinase-negative oculocutaneous albinism. A single
   base mutation in the tyrosinase gene causing arginine to glutamine 
   substitution at position 59.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17792.

AU Nuijten-P-J-M.  van Asten-F-J-A-M.  Gaastra-W.  van der Zeijst-B-A-M.  
TI Structural and functional analysis of two Campylobacter jejuni
   flagellin genes.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17798.

AU Boyles-J-K.  Notterpek-L-M.  Anderson-L-J.  
TI Accumulation of apolipoproteins in the regenerating and remyelinating
   mammalian peripheral nerve. Identification of apolipoprotein D, 
   apolipoprotein A-IV, apolipoprotein E, and apolipoprotein A-I.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17805.

AU Woychik-N-A.  Young-R-A.  
TI RNA polymerase II subunit RPB10 is essential for yeast cell
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17816.

AU Cara-J-F.  Mirmira-R-G.  Nakagawa-S-H.  Tager-H-S.  
TI An insulin-like growth factor I/insulin hybrid exhibiting high potency
   for interaction with the type I insulin-like growth factor and insulin 
   receptors of placental plasma membranes.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17820.

AU Shuman-S.  Prescott-J.  
TI Specific DNA cleavage and binding by vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17826.

AU Elenius-K.  Salmivirta-M.  Inki-P.  Mali-M.  Jalkanen-M.  
TI Binding of human syndecan to extracellular matrix proteins.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17837.

AU Shay-N-F.  Nick-H-S.  Kilberg-M-S.  
TI Molecular cloning of an amino acid-regulated mRNA (amino acid
   starvation-induced) in rat hepatoma cells.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17844.

AU Wang-X.  Smith-T-J.  Lau-J-T-Y.  
TI Transcriptional regulation of the liver beta-galactoside
   alpha2,6-sialyltransferase by glucocorticoids.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17849.

AU Hill-Eubanks-D-C.  Lollar-P.  
TI von Willebrand factor is a cofactor for thrombin-catalyzed cleavage of
   the factor VIII light chain.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17854.

AU Speziale-M-V.  Detwiler-T-C.  
TI Free thiols of platelet thrombospondin. Evidence for disulfide
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17859.

AU Hershey-G-K-K.  McCourt-D-W.  Schreiber-R-D.  
TI Ligand-induced phosphorylation of the human interferon-gamma receptor.
   Dependence on the presence of a functionally active receptor.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17868.

AU Kelley-C-A.  Adelstein-R-S.  
TI The 204-kDa smooth muscle myosin heavy chain is phosphorylated in intact
   cells by casein kinase II on a serine near the carboxyl terminus.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17876.

AU Maltese-W-A.  Sheridan-K-M.  
TI Isoprenoid modification of G25K (G]p), a low molecular mass
   GTP-binding protein distinct from p21]ras.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17883.

AU Kinsella-M-G.  Wight-T-N.  
TI Formation of high molecular weight dermatan sulfate proteoglycan in
   bovine aortic endothelial cell cultures. Evidence for 
   transglutaminase-catalyzed cross-linking to fibronectin.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17891.

AU Read-R.  Bellew-T.  Yang-J.  Hill-K-E.  Palmer-I-S.  Burk-R-F.  
TI Selenium and amino acid composition of selenoprotein P, the major
   selenoprotein in rat serum.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17899.

AU Huber-A.  Smith-D-P.  Zuker-C-S.  Paulsen-R.  
TI Opsin of Calliphora peripheral photoreceptors R1-6. Homology
   with Drosophila Rh1 and posttranslational processing.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17906.

AU Knuth-M-W.  Gunderson-S-I.  Thompson-N-E.  Strasheim-L-A.  Burgess-R-R.  
TI Purification and characterization of proximal sequence element-binding
   protein 1, a transcription activating protein related to Ku and TREF that 
   binds the proximal sequence element of the human U1 promoter.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17911.

AU Dlott-B.  d'Azzo-A.  Quon-D-V-K.  Neufeld-E-F.  
TI Two mutations produce intron insertion in mRNA and elongated beta-subunit
   of human beta-hexosaminidase.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17921.

AU Heinzel-T.  Velleman-M.  Schuster-H.  
TI The c1 repressor inactivator protein coi of
   bacteriophage P1. Cloning and expression of coi and its 
   interference with c1 repressor function.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17928.

AU Lescale-Matys-L.  Hensley-C-B.  Crnkovic-Markovic-R.  Putnam-D-S.  
TI Low K+ increases Na,K-ATPase abundance in LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells by
   differentially increasing beta, and not alpha, subunit mRNA.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17935.

AU Ryu-S-H.  Kim-U.  Wahl-M-I.  Brown-A-B.  Carpenter-G.  Huang-K.  Rhee-S-G.  
TI Feedback regulation of phospholipase C-;gb by protein kinase C.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17941.

AU Johnston-P-A.  Yu-F.  Reynolds-G-A.  Yin-H-L.  Moomaw-C-R.  Slaughter-C-A.  
TI Purification and expression of gCap39. An intracellular and secreted
   Ca2+-dependent actin-binding protein enriched in mononuclear 
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17946.

AU Scott-M-D.  Rouyer-Fessard-P.  Lubin-B-H.  Beuzard-Y.  
TI Entrapment of purified alpha-hemoglobin chains in normal erythrocytes. A
   model for beta thalassemia.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17953.

AU Davis-R-C.  BenZeev-O.  Martin-D.  Doolittle-M-H.  
TI Combined lipase deficiency in the mouse. Evidence of impaired lipase
   processing and secretion.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17960.

AU Browning-K-S.  Humphreys-J.  Hobbs-W.  Smith-G-B.  Ravel-J-M.  
TI Determination of the amounts of the protein synthesis initiation and
   elongation factors in wheat germ.
SO J-Biol-Chem.  1990 Oct 15.  265(29).  P 17967.

AU Waters-A-P.  Thomas-A-W.  Deans-J-A.  Mitchell-G-H.  Hudson-D-E.  
   Miller-L-H.  McCutchan-T-F.  Cohen-S.  
TI A merozoite receptor protein from Plasmodium knowlesi is
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