kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (01/15/91)
AU COLL-M. GUASCH-A. AVILES-F-X. HUBER-R. TI Three-dimensional structure of porcine procarboxypeptidase B: a structural basis of its inactivity SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P 1-9 AU VENDRELL-J. BILLETER-M. WIDER-G. AVILES-F-X. WUTHRICH-K. TI The NMR structure of the activation domain isolated from porcine procarboxypeptidase B SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13 10(1). P 11-15 AU DERBYSHIRE-V. GRINDLEY-N-D-F. JOYCE-C-M. TI The 3' - 5' exonuclease of DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli: contribution of each amino acid at the active site to the reaction SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13 10(1). P 17-24 AU BEESE-L-S. STEITZ-T-A. TI Structural basis for the 3' - 5' exonuclease activity of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I: a two metal ion mechanism SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P 25-33 AU HEINEMANN-U. ALINGS-C. TI The conformation of a B-DNA decamer is mainly determined by its sequence and not by crystal environment SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P 35-43 AU REGULLA-S. SCHNEIDER-T. NASTAINCZYK-W. MEYER-H-E. HOFMANN-F. TI Identification of the site of interaction of the dihydropyridine channel blockers nitrendipine and azidopine with the calcium-channel alpha 1 subunit SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P 45-49 AU IKONEN-E. BAUMANN-M. GRON-K. SYVANEN-A-C. ENOMAA- N. HALILA-R. AULA-P. PELTONEN-L. TI Aspartylglucosaminuria: cDNA encoding human aspartylglucosaminidase and the missense mutation causing the disease SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 51-58 AU LEROY-P. KRUST-A. ZELENT-A. MENDELSOHN-C. GARNIER- J-M. KASTNER-P. DIERICH-A. CHAMBON-P. TI Multiple isoforms of the mouse retinoic acid receptor alpha are generated by alternative splicing and differential induction by retinoic acid SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 59-69 AU ZELENT-A. MENDELSOHN-C. KASTNER-P. KRUST-A. GARNIER-J-M. RUFFENACH-F. LEROY-P. CHAMBON-P. TI Differentially expressed isoforms of the mouse retinoic acid receptor beta are generated by usage of two promoters and alternative splicing SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 71-81 AU MCVAY-L-D. CARDING-S-R. BOTTOMLY-K. HAYDAY-A-C. TI Regulated expression and structure of T cell receptor gamma/delta transcripts in human thymic ontogeny SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 83-91 AU KISHI-H. BORGULYA-P. SCOTT-B. KARJALAINEN-K. TRAUNECKER-A. KAUFMAN-J. VON BOEHMER-H. TI Surface expression of the beta T cell receptor (TCR) chain in the absence of other TCR or CD3 proteins on immature T cells SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 93-100 AU NISSIM-A. JOUVIN-M-H. ESHHAR-Z. TI Mapping of the high affinity Fc epsilon receptor binding site to the third constant region domain of IgE SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 101-107 AU HALIDAY-E-M. RAMESHA-C-S. RINGOLD-G. TI TNF induces c-fos via a novel pathway requiring conversion of arachidonic acid to a lipoxygenase metabolite SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 109-115 AU NAGAMINE-Y. ZIEGLER-A. TI Okadaic acid induction of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene occurs independently of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C and is sensitive to protein synthesis inhibition SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 117-122 AU VAN DE WETERING-M. OOSTERWEGEL-M. DOOIJES-D. CLEVERS-H. TI Identification and cloning of TCF-1, a T lymphocyte- specific transcription factor containing a sequence- specific HMG box SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 123-132 AU EILERS-M. SCHIRM-S. BISHOP-J-M. TI The MYC protein activates transcription of the alpha- prothymosin gene SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 133-141 AU WALLS-D. PERRICAUDET-M. TI Novel downstream elements upregulate transcription initiated from an Epstein-Barr virus latent promoter SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 143-151 AU ZINK-B. ENGSTROM-Y. GEHRING-W-J. PARO-R. TI Direct interaction of the Polycomb protein with Antennapedia regulatory sequences in polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 153-162 AU SAMAKOVLIS-C. KYLSTEN-P. KIMBRELL-D-A. ENGSTROM-A. HULTMARK-D. TI The Andropin gene and its product, a male-specific antibacterial peptide in Drosophila melanogaster SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 163-169 AU OKKEMA-P-G. KIMBLE-J. TI Molecular analysis of tra-2, a sex determining gene in C.elegans SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 171-176 AU GAUTIER-J. MALLER-J-L. TI Cyclin B in Xenopus oocytes: implications for the mechanism of pre-MPF activation SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 177-182 AU NIKI-H. JAFFE-A. IMAMURA-R. OGURA-T. HIRAGA-S. TI The new gene mukB codes for a 177 kd protein with coiled-coil domains involved in chromosome partitioning of E.coli SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 183-193 AU CARMO-FONSECA-M. TOLLERVEY-D. PEPPERKOK-R. BARABINO-S-M-L. MERDES-A. BRUNNER-C. ZAMORE-P-D. GREEN-M-R. HURT-E. LAMOND-A-I. TI Mammalian nuclei contain foci which are highly enriched in components of the pre-mRNA splicing machinery SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 195-206 AU ZAMORE-P-D. GREEN-M-R. TI Biochemical characterization of U2 snRNP auxiliary factor: an essential pre-mRNA splicing factor with a novel intranuclear distribution SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 207-214 AU WEISS-E-A. GILMARTIN-G-M. NEVINS-J-R. TI Poly(A) site efficiency reflects the stability of complex formation involving the downstream element SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 215-219 AU IINO-Y. SUGIMOTO-A. YAMAMOTO-M. TI S.pombe pac1+, whose overexpression inhibits sexual development, encodes a ribonuclease III-like RNase SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 221-226 AU MCGRATH-J-P. JENTSCH-S. VARSHAVSKY-A. TI UBA1: an essential yeast gene encoding ubiquitin- activating enzyme SO EMBO-J. 1991 JAN 13. 10(1). P. 227-236