[bionet.journals.contents] NIH Database

donnel@helix.nih.gov (Donald A. Lehn) (04/04/91)

	To all networked researchers:

	I am in the process of putting together an NIH research proposal
for a grant to establish a national net accessible NIH database.  This
database would be accessible by anonymous FTP by anyone on this network.
The data base would contain amung other things:

1.  Detailed experimental protocols.

2.  Listings of sources of reagents, vectors, and any other materials, both
    commercial and from individuals, that may be needed by NIH researchers.

3.  Information on grants.  What grants are avaliable.  Help files.  And
    a listing of the current grants and contracts.

4.  A job bank.

5.  Software developed by NIH researchers who wish to have others share in
    it use.

	If you are interested in seeing such a database established please
send me an E-mail message indicating such.  Also please state what other 
types of data you would like to see included in such a database.  Since I
plan on using these replies in my grant application,  please be sure to
include your full name, position, affiliation and phone number in your

Thanking you in advance,
Donald A. Lehn
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892

Pnone: (301) 496-2885		FAX: (301) 468-8419

E-mail:  donnel@helix.nih.gov