rcora@chudich.co.rmit.oz (Robert Alessio) (07/06/90)
Has anyone had any experience in using Basic Rate ISDN so to allow dialin access for a remote IBM PC at 64kb/s. This is to allow remote access to a TCP/IP network for the tranferring of compressed document images which are about 40kbytes per page. We intend to use a Basic Rate ISDN Terminal Adapter card which will appear to the IBM PC as a COM port. My first guess would be to use the SLIP protocol over the 64kb/s link. (Note, I have ever setup a SLIP link.) Which SLIP package would one recommend (PC/TCP plus)? Are there alternative protocols? How would you allocated an IP address for remote IBM PCs which could connect to a different SLIP gateway everytime they dialin? P.S Does any know about the availability of Group IV ISDN Fax Servers or cards for IBM PCs ? Thanks inadvance Robert Alessio ACSnet: rcora@chudich.co.rmit.OZ.AU Professional Officer ARPA: rcora%chudich.co.rmit.OZ.AU@uunet.UU.NET Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 124 LaTrobe Street UUCP: ...!uunet!munnari!chudich.co.rmit.OZ.AU!rcora Melbourne, 3000 BITNET: rcora%chudich.co.rmit.OZ.AU@CSNET-RELAY Victoria, Australia Telephone: +61 3 660 2593 Fax: +61 3 662 1060