[alt.cyb-sys] Robot Arms

yamauchi@cs.rochester.edu (Brian Yamauchi) (04/24/89)

A few weeks ago, I posted a message asking for information about
mobile robots for integrated vision / motion / manipulation research.
From the responses I received it seems that the Heath/Zenith Hero 2000
is the only mobile robot which comes with an on-board robot arm (and
the arm has some serious payload limitations).

So now I'm looking into the idea of getting a mobile platform like
the Denning MRV3 and mounting an robot arm on it.

The payload capacity of the platform would be a limiting factor on the
weight of the arm.  For example: the payload capacity of the Denning
MRV3 is 300 pounds.  Unimation has two Pumas in this weight range, the
260 (29 lbs) and the 562 (140 lbs) -- both also require an 80 lb
controller.  Both are also more expensive than the mobile robot

Since we won't be needing the micron accuracy of industrial robots
for our research, I was wondering what other arms were available --
hopefully trading accuracy for price and payload.

I have heard the name Micromover mentioned, but I haven't been able to
get an name or address for the company that makes this arm.  I would
appreciate any information about this or any other robot arm that
might fit our requirements.

			Thanks in advance,


Brian Yamauchi				University of Rochester
yamauchi@cs.rochester.edu		Computer Science Department