[comp.sys.isis] ISIS suggestions

rich@sendai.sendai.ann-arbor.mi.us (K. Richard Magill) (10/03/89)

I haven't printed the most recent manual and haven't even tried to
read the TeX source so keep that in mind when reading these.  Things
that fall into the catagory of clear enhancements I'll skip as it
looks like ken has a list of those already... rpc schema parser,
faster isis overall, protos at the kernel level, etc.

* you might consider making the ISIS manual texinfo.  I'm not *sure*
  it's a good idea but you might think about it.

* We need some kind of performance discussion.  I'd be happy to see a
  "what is" column as well as a "soon" column, but I'd really like to
  have some idea.  I realize it will be highly application dependant,
  (ie, traffic dependant), but even point to point, with and without
  nullreplies, how many udp packets in a cbcast? etc.

* Makefiles need better parameterization.  Specifically, I want to be
  able to change CC, CFLAGS, LD, LOADLIBES, BINDIR (default
  /usr/spool/isis/bin is a poor choice), ISISHOME (your default is
  /usr/spool/isis), LIBDIR (eg, /usr/local/lib with better names for
  lib[12].a mlib.a, HEADERDIR (eg, /usr/include/isis for all headers),
  MANDIR (eg, /usr/local/man), etc. with precisely one line.  I don't
  really care whether I have to change it in the makefile, a header
  file, or command line but changing it in several makefiles seems

* lib[12].a and mlib.a are poor choices.  Makes them difficult to
  install in a global place like /usr/local/lib.

* would prefer that all headers were in <isis/...> and were
  "install"'d there by the install makefile target.  (also, would need
  to change the references in the manual.)

* Makefiles force recompilation too frequently.  That is, "touch
  header" sort of defeats the purpose make in the first place dunnit?

* would like to see "make clean".

bin@primate.wisc.edu (Brain in Neutral) (10/03/89)

> * you might consider making the ISIS manual texinfo.  I'm not *sure*
>   it's a good idea but you might think about it.

It *is* a good idea because then you can use texi2roff to use troff to format
and print it.  'twould be a lot of work, though, presumably.

Paul DuBois

ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) (10/03/89)

This will be a rather long reply, since the original message was pretty
long and consisted of lots of questions.  Plus, I tend to be long winded.

First, an overall comment.  ISIS is a research project with limited
financial resources, currently coming from DARPA and NASA.  We are
paid to do research, and although we are also encouraged to make
the system available -- which we are trying our best to do -- unless
commercial interest in ISIS creates a self-sustaining market, it
will always be hard for us to respond to commercial pressures.

For my group, the essential point is that we have built a
powerful tool and want people to be able to use it.  We didn't
build this one to throw it away...  At the same time, we aren't
the Free Software Foundation.

Will people pay for ISIS?  If so, we can pay people to address
some of the needs identified in your message.

As you know, our company has been offering commercial support and
consulting services connected with ISIS for a year now.  We are
certainly making money, but mostly for consulting -- not for support.
You, and others, have pointed to things you would like to see in ISIS.
Does this mean you would pay to see them in ISIS?  If so, I think we
should sit down and talk about it seriously...

If not -- well, we do our best to respond to the needs that we
perceive to be most urgent.  All things considered, I think we do
pretty well.

> [from a prior message] ... lots of people seem to be looking at ISIS,
> but it is unclear to me how many actually use it.

My guess is that this is correct.  We know of about 300 sites that are
"looking" at ISIS, since we have names of about this many people who
requested the system.  But, in actual practice, I can only name about
20 or 30 active projects that seem to be doing something with the system.

For example, here at Cornell the computer graphics people use it in
image rendering programs, at Siemens there is a factory automation group
using ISIS, at SAIC a group is using it to write a distributed application
management system.  We know of one French group using ISIS for experiments
on telephone switching systems, a group at NASA that (was planning) to use
ISIS in a playload management system for the spacelab, someone at XEROX
doing distributed AI problems on ISIS, and quite a few people playing with
ISIS at HPLABS, HP's research laboratory.  The list of users of which I know
is much longer than this -- and not everyone tells me what they do.  But, the
main observation to make is that almost all of these are advanced proto-
typing efforts or experimental research groups.

As for any technology, I think we have a learning curve to overcome
before we see widespread day to day use of a system like ISIS.  Obviously,
people want something -- otherwise they wouldn't look hard at ISIS.  My
guess, however, is that they want something even larger and more
ambitious -- perhaps a whole new kind of distributed operating system,
with distributed tools for development, runtime application management,
monitoring, debugging, network administration.

Another problem is that ISIS is "different".  This means that one
runs some risk in using ISIS for a project (and depending on our
style of computing).  I am not surprised that many groups are being
slow and cautious about this, especially commercial ones.

It probably hasn't helped that we have been enhancing the system --
this gives an aura of unreliability to our stuff, although in practice
(as those of you who really use it know), ISIS is extremely robust.
This has been a dilema for us: do we tell you how to fix bugs that
you probably don't run into (thus admitting to having a bug) or do
we pretend the system has none (and risk having you notice one)? 
For what its worth, nobody has reported any bugs of any kind at all
in ISIS V1.3, so far.

My guess is that over the next year we will begin to see modest "commercial"
use of ISIS, and that several of the research efforts that have been toying
with the use of the system will make firm decisions one way or the other.

>... rpc schema parser,faster isis overall, protos at the kernel level, etc.

Quick answers:
o  We played with the idea of an RPC schema parser but had a lot of
   trouble coming up with a clean way to imbed broadcast semantics into
   a language-level RPC facility.  Some interesting research topics
   that this seems to raise are: how one represents a process group
   at the language level (or a capability), how you express the idea
   of wanting zero, one or multiple replies, how to deal with type
   checking issues.

   I think that Robert Cooper (who runs the project with me and Keith
   Marzullo)  would be happy to run a discussion of this topic.
   Perhaps someone could post a proposal for an RPC syntax covering this.

   A really crummy RPC stub generator was included in the demos area for
   a while.  We recentl got rid of it because it wasn't very well done.
   Lacking answers to the questions above, I think it is premature to
   talk about multicast stub generation.

   Of course, it would be easy to generate stubs for programs that have pure
   RPC semantics -- one caller, one reply.  I guess we haven't seen this
   as a topic with any big payoff for ISIS, though, since ISIS is really
   not an RPC system...

o  Faster ISIS overall.  This is an ongoing focus of our current
   work.  With the BYPASS mode in place, we should have a version of 
   cbcast running as fast as any other multicast protocol from any other
   group.  This is because BYPASS allows us to call a multicast transport
   protocol more or less directly from the sender process.  Thus, if you
   have some magic, super-fast transport protocol that gives nothing
   more than reliable delivery, we can run a cbcast on top of it with
   very little overhead (and not going through protos).  In ISIS V2.0,
   BYPASS mode will be the default (I hope).  As for the rest of ISIS,
   we are working on a hierarchical group mechanism to let us scale groups
   up, a hierarchical site-views scheme to let us scale ISIS itself up,
   and tuning overall performance.  However, overall performance of the
   system is actually pretty good.  For example, an ISIS RPC (in BYPASS mode)
   outperforms a SUN RPC, on the same equipment.  This is true for almost
   any size of message.  So, our overhead is obviously not all that high.

o  Protos in the kernel.  Well, for this we are waiting to see what MACH
   or Chorus provides in terms of kernel support for doing this.  We are
   not interested in doing an OS that won't be "compatible" with what seems
   to be an emerging standard.  I would certainly like to make protos into
   a kernel service once the option presents itself.

   We have also thought about trying to take advantage of shared memory, say 
   messages.  This could be a big win -- but raises hard protection issues.
   However, based on the recent posting to comp.os.mach, it isn't clear to
   me that we could do this easily under MACH just yet.

   Anyway, with the BYPASS change in place, protos won't be the bottleneck
   anymore.  This will probably turn out to be the cost of UDP datagrams
   (which cost quite a lot under UNIX).

   What I would love to see is a UDP level multicast protocol.  VMTP?

>* you might consider making the ISIS manual texinfo.  I'm not *sure*
>  it's a good idea but you might think about it.

We currently have no plans to do this.  Note, however, that you can run Xdvi
or dvitool to read the dvi version of the manual from Xwindows or Suntools.
Were you aware of the online manual pages?  With the right environment
parameter setup (MANPATH, I think), you should be able to say "man 3 spool"
or whatever...

>* We need some kind of performance discussion.  I'd be happy to see a
>  "what is" column as well as a "soon" column, but I'd really like to
>  have some idea.  I realize it will be highly application dependant,
>  (ie, traffic dependant), but even point to point, with and without
>  nullreplies, how many udp packets in a cbcast? etc.

I agree!  However, I've been waiting for the BYPASS stuff to be
finished for this, simply because I want to report figures that are
as good or better than anything you might read about for, say, the V
kernel.  I have no plans to write a paper on performance of ISIS without
BYPASS in place, as this would be slow.

We will also post some performance figures to this group as we obtain them.

To answer your questions about packet counts:

With BYPASS, and without ethernet multicast, 1 UDP packet per cbcast
destination and 1 UDP packet for each reply or nullreply.  When ISIS
runs without BYPASS, the cost is higher: an RPC from the client into
protos to invoke the protocol, and an RPC from protos to the destination
to deliver each copy (plus another for each reply).  Plus, BYPASS has
no piggybacking, while protos has a complex piggybacking scheme with
a garbage collection algorithm that runs periodically.  We have measured
piggybacking costs and on the average found that at most 30% of all bytes
transmitted are due to piggybacking and that garbage collection never
amounts to more than 5% of CPU cycles consumed by ISIS (this is because
the protocol is cheap, runs rarely, and runs on behalf of LOTS of
cbcasts).  However, there are some ways to make ISIS run poorly.
For example, when building a "service", using cbcast to reply to queries
seems to be a bad idea, and I am installing a new option to reply_l
("f") to force the system to reply with fbcast for just this reason.
The manual section, when we write it, will certainly cover these things.

Sorry this seems complicated.  There never will be any single, simple
answer, because ISIS does things in different ways under different
conditions, to optimize where we can.

Just to repeat the bottom line, with BYPASS in place, cbcast in ISIS will
have a realistic chance of being "the worlds fastest multicast" (under UNIX).

>* Makefiles need better parameterization.  Specifically, I want to be
>  able to change CC, CFLAGS, LD, LOADLIBES, BINDIR (default
>  /usr/spool/isis/bin is a poor choice), ISISHOME (your default is
>  /usr/spool/isis), LIBDIR (eg, /usr/local/lib with better names for
>  lib[12].a mlib.a, HEADERDIR (eg, /usr/include/isis for all headers),
>  MANDIR (eg, /usr/local/man), etc. with precisely one line.  I don't
>  really care whether I have to change it in the makefile, a header
>  file, or command line but changing it in several makefiles seems
>  redundant.

We'll have a hard look at this.  These seem like simple and reasonable

>* lib[12].a and mlib.a are poor choices.  Makes them difficult to
>  install in a global place like /usr/local/lib.

Ah.  Now, this is a tricky one.  mlib is separate only because some
of our people use it standalone.  In particular, our own protos code
uses mlib, but nothing from clib.  Lib1 and lib2 are separate because
the UNIX ``ranlib'' utility is totally braindamaged.

Specicially, we wanted to arrange that if you don't use a given
tool, say the "guard" facility (which we may eliminate, since nobody
seems to use it), it wouldn't get linked in.  We used to do this by putting
the facility in question first, then anything that calls its init routine,
and then a dummy version of the init routine.  If you use the facility
the linker finds it first, and you get it.  If not, you get the dummy
init routine and a smaller object file.

ranlib(1) screws this up completely.  You can't have duplicate defs
in the same library with ranlib, so we needed to use two libraries.
And, ranlib is mandatory these days.  So, we put the optional stuff in
lib1, and all else into lib2.

So, unless you can see a trick, I have no way to build a single
library that would also be "portable".  Believe me, I would really
prefer to do so.  Suggestions?

We are looking at using shared libraries, by the way.  The problem
is that we need to stay portable...

>* would prefer that all headers were in <isis/...> and were
>  "install"'d there by the install makefile target.  (also, would need
>  to change the references in the manual.)

I guess that "make install" would be a reasonable thing to add.
How about if we provide this for ISISV2.0?

>* Makefiles force recompilation too frequently.  That is, "touch
>  header" sort of defeats the purpose make in the first place dunnit?

There are two issues here.  First, the comment about the header is
only relevant to one makefile -- the one for mlib.  If you look closely,
you will see that this is actually a no-op and that the header can be
deleted with no effect.  This seems to be something Tommy Joseph put
in a long time ago.  I certainly isn't mine.

Now, we do rebuild libraries more than we need to, but this is just
because some UNIX systems have an old version of make that doesn't
support the notation of "a file in a library".  Being portable is a pain.

As for recompiling more than we need to -- I dispute this.  It seems
to me that the makefiles recompile just what they should.

>* would like to see "make clean".

Yes, I suppose we can do this for V2.0 too.

Whew....  I hope that some of the readers of this group will respond
to the points raised by Rich and/or to some of the responses outlined
above.  I know that there are readers out there somewhere!    Lets hear
from you!

montnaro@sprite.crd.ge.com (Skip Montanaro) (10/03/89)

In article <32799@cornell.UUCP> ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) writes:

   >* lib[12].a and mlib.a are poor choices.  Makes them difficult to
   >  install in a global place like /usr/local/lib.

   Ah.  Now, this is a tricky one. 

   ... long answer deleted ... 

I interpreted the statement as meaning the file names themselves were
unsuitable for installation in a global directory. A quick ls of
/usr/lib/*.a on my Sun reveals two things

    1. All archive library names begin with "lib", so they can be used with
       the -l flag of cc, f77, ld, ...

    2. Most archive names suggest their use, e.g. libtermcap.a,
       libsunwindow.a, ... 

I see nothing particularly wrong with requiring multiple libraries at link
time. There is some precedent for it already, with X and SunView, at least.
How about some more standard names like




(Or something. I don't yet use ISIS, so I don't know the functionality
present in the libraries.)
Skip Montanaro (montanaro@crdgw1.ge.com)

lance@belltec.UUCP (Lance Norskog) (10/08/89)

About using shared memory: some academic group (I'm soooo precise) is working
on a network card that just implements a shared memory address space by sending
memory location updates over fiber optics.  It's called PRAM, Parallel RAM.
The protocol turns out to be pretty fast at these memory update transactions, 
because it's a very simple one implemented by a hardware state machine.
This makes shared memory-based protocols more interesting...

Lance C Norskog
Sales Engineer, Streamlined Networks
thinman@cup.portal.com: 415-659-1450

ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) (10/09/89)

In article <409@belltec.UUCP> lance@belltec.UUCP (Lance Norskog) writes:
> About using shared memory: some academic group (I'm soooo precise) is working
> on a network card that just implements a shared memory address space...
> ... This makes shared memory-based protocols more interesting...

I am familiar with two such efforts, both at CMU -- one is Kung's
Nectar project; I don't recall the name of the other.  I agree, these
could lead to very fast memory-based protocols.

I think I've mentioned that in the BYPASS mode ISIS allows the 
user to define new transport protocols -- ways of getting a message
from its source to a set of destinations in FIFO order (ISIS handles
failure detection so this is pretty easy).  Our plan is that if someone
comes out with some spiffy new network interface, such as you describe,
we can just code a "transport protocol" for it and plug it into ISIS
this way.  The idea is that instead of having to recode big parts of
our system for each new networking architecture or device, we can
retain as much code as possible.

However, the BYPASS stuff only applies to CBCAST messages sent to a whole
group by one of its members or to point-to-point messages sent from
one group member to another.  We design most of our code to send 
primarily these kinds of broadcasts.  You may want to keep this in mind
if you are building ISIS applications.

Ken Birman