[comp.sys.isis] Sun lwp "REGOFFSET" bug.

rcbc@honir.cs.cornell.edu (Robert Cooper) (11/15/89)

Several people have reported getting the following error when linking
an ISIS application on some versions of SunOS:

ld: Undefined symbol

The problem is mentioned in the Sun Technical Bulletin issue 1988-12,
p2250. The fix for a Sun 3 is simple:

Make the following 2 line assembly file, call it fix.s:


Then go: 

cc -c fix.s
ar u liblwp.a fix.o
ranlib liblwp.a
chmod 644 liblwp.a

liblwp.a is in /usr/lib.
Of course take backup copies of liblwp for safety.

The SUN4 fix is a bit longer. Look it up in the Sun Technical Bulletin.
(Looks like this "bug" is that SUN left something off the release tape!)

                                   -- Robert Cooper