[comp.sys.isis] DS3100 uws2.2 ip/udp bug?

tc@oxtrap.aa.ox.com (Tse Chih Chao) (03/06/90)

--  comp.sys.isis readers, please bear with some duplicate information
--  here.   This is a cross posting.

We have experienced some improperly delivered UDP packets on our system.
I first found this problem from running the ISIS V1.3, a distributed
and fault-tolerant programming toolkit.  ISIS occasionally receives
some stray UDP packets.  These packets claimed that they were sent
from the "domain" port.  Needless to say that ISIS does not bind or
listen on this port.  I then wrote a small tester to just read from
a non-occupied udp port.  This tester also returned from that "should
never return" read.  The difference is that this tester always receives
null packets with null sending addresses while ISIS always gets "look real"
packets.  The common part of all the tests is that  all the stray
messages always arrive in group of fours and are in  4, 8, and 16
seconds time intervals.

I then ran the tester and ISIS on a DS3100 uws2.2 without name/domain
services.  Neither program gets any stray messages.  Afterwards, I brought
up the name services without running the name server and the news, they
did not receive any stray message either.  At this point, I'm suspecting
a bug triggerd by the name server or news in the ip/udp driver area.

We just submitted a SPR on this.  Any other similar experiences out
