[comp.sys.isis] ISIS V2.0 Bypass Performance

pat@cs.cornell.edu (Pat Stephenson) (05/03/90)

As Ken has mentioned here before, ISIS V2.0 will include a new option,
"bypass" mode.  When bypass mode is enabled, communication within
groups (the common case) will use new, faster, protocols which bypass
(hence the name) the protos process.  The purpose of this note is to
outline the performance improvements we've seen using these protocols.
(Full details of the protocols can be found in a paper we've just
written, available via anon ftp from cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu, file

We've examined two styles of using the system, which we call "RPC" and
"streaming".  In RPC mode, a process sends a message to the group and
waits until it receives a reply from everyone; in streaming mode, a
process simply blast messages at the group as fast as possible, without
waiting for any replies.

The summary is that bypass is giving us a speedup of 3-10.  Most
remote RPC's are 3 or 4 times faster, local rpc's are 7-10 times
faster, and where I could make a streaming comparison, bypass is 4-8
times faster.  (The non-bypass system is not really configured to
support heavy streaming.)  With or without bypass, performance falls
off more or less linearly as the number of processors increases.

We know of ways to improve these figures further, mainly involving the
use of network-level or hardware-level multicasts, and we are
experimenting with this.  The perceptive will notice one or two
slight anomalies in the figures below; we're working on these, too.

RPC times are in milliseconds; streaming throughput times are in
kbytes/sec or msgs/sec.  All broadcasts were with excluded CBCAST,
except the RPC's to *every* member of a group, which were done with
normal CBCAST.  Every member of a group is on a different physical
processor (all SUN 3/60's running SUNOS 4.0.3).  RPC's were repeated
1000 times. Small packets are 1 byte, medium packets are 1100 bytes,
large packets are 7k bytes.

BYPASS RPC	Small Packets	Medium Packets 	Large Packets
nreplies =	g	g-1	g	g-1	g	g-1

g=1		2.8		2.8		2.8
g=2		13	13	15	15	27	27
g=3		16	16	20	20	38	40		
g=4		20      20	25	26	50	52

NON-BYPASS RPC	Small Packets	Medium Packets	Large Packets
nreplies =	g	g-1	g	g-1	g	g-1

g=1		22		22		31
g=2		54	46	59	49	76	72
g=3		65	56	71	60	91	88
g=4		68	62	78	66	100	97

BYPASS STREAM   Small Packets	Large Packets
(nreplies = 0)	msgs/sec	throughput/sec (msgs/sec)
g=1		1250		7000k (1000)
g=2		132		426k (61)
g=3		140		211k (30)
g=4		131		155k (22)

STREAM   	Small Packets	Large Packets
(nreplies = 0)	msgs/sec	throughput/sec (msgs/sec)
g=1		150		513k(73)
g=2		*		105k (15)
g=3		*		*
g=4		*		*

* Normal mode is not really configured to handle streaming, so these
tests did not complete.