[comp.sys.isis] tech. reports wanted

rchen@m.cs.uiuc.edu (08/22/90)

I would like to get hold of the following ISIS technical reports:

90-1105  Fast Causal Multicast
90-1136  Tools for Distributed Application Management
90-1138  The ISIS Project: Real Experience with a Fault-Tolerant Prog. Sys.
90-1141  MTP: An Atomic Multicast Transport Protocol.

Would someone tell me to whom I should request for them?  Thanks.

-Rong Chen @ Department of Computer Science
             University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) (08/23/90)

In article <71400001@m.cs.uiuc.edu> rchen@m.cs.uiuc.edu writes:
>I would like to get hold of the following ISIS technical reports:
>90-1105  Fast Causal Multicast
>90-1136  Tools for Distributed Application Management
>90-1138  The ISIS Project: Real Experience with a Fault-Tolerant Prog. Sys.
>90-1141  MTP: An Atomic Multicast Transport Protocol.
>Would someone tell me to whom I should request for them?  Thanks.

Lately, our TR's are mostly being distributed electronically.  However,
you can always request anything in hard-copy form from Maureen Robinson

The electronic distribution is by a compressed postscript file.
	% ftp cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu
	Login: anonymous
	Password: <your account name>
	ftp> binary
	ftp> list pub/*.Z
	 200 PORT command successful.
	 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (0 bytes).
	 226 Transfer complete.
	 remote: pub/*.Z
	 114 bytes received in .73 seconds (.15 Kbytes/s)
	ftp> get pub/paper-name.ps.Z paper-name.ps.Z
	ftp> quit
	% uncompress paper-name.ps.Z
	% lpr -Pany-postscript-printer paper-name.ps

The papers currently available are:
	bypass.ps.Z	TR 90-1105 (Fast causal multicast)
	dam.ps.Z	TR 90-1136 (Tools for...)

I believe that the MTP paper will soon be available.  It would
presumably get the name 
	MTP.ps.Z	TR 90-1141
I have asked Keith if he could take care of this and am hopeful
that the file will be out there shortly.

The "Real experience" paper is a very short one that we are presenting
in the Bologna SIGOPS workshop.  We meant to copy it out and will
do so later today.  The file name will be
	experience.ps.Z	TR 90-1138

The other .Z files are the BETA system release and manual (big), 
something someone once wrote on using isis from c++ (probably
very out of date) and something from a different project entirely,
the "nuprl" group, which is a huge system for automating mathematics and
