[comp.sys.isis] Cornell CS Industrial Affiliates Program

ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) (08/23/90)

I get a lot (like one a week) of inquiries from readers of this group
trying to fill Ph.D. level positions in distributed systems.  My department
at Cornell actually has a program to foster contacts between industry and
researchers, both to facilitate technology transfer and also to give you
a chance to talk to students who are finishing up.

We call this our "industrial affiliates" program.  You enroll by paying
an annual fee (or, in some cases, donating money or hardware directly
to some project, although this is uncommon).  You get to attend a yearly
show and tell, which we try and structure to have as much one-on-one
interaction as possible as well as a research review and presentations
by students entering the market.  Groups are also welcome to send a
few people for a short visit outside this meeting, i.e. for to consult
directly with faculty members in some area or explore an issue in detail.

If you are looking to hire students, let me suggest that rather than
going through me, which just fills my email with "noise" messages,
you work through our industrial affiliates contact: patteson@cs.cornell.edu
Donna would also be the person to speak to about this year's meeting,
which will be in mid October.  Her telephone number is: 607-255-9191.
