[comp.sys.isis] ISIS V2.1, ISIS V3.0

ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) (09/06/90)

We recently sent out postcards indicating that ISIS V2.1 was already
available in the general form.  The flood of messages I am getting 
prompts this posting.

The most recent BETA version (from 2 weeks ago) is quite solid and
can certainly be used.  The "final" V2.1 release has been slightly
delayed by the start of the semester here, which has me buried in paper
work.  We'll have it out soon and will announce it here.  I have a list
of minor problems people have identified in the BETA release and plan
to fix those, but I don't expect to do anything major.

The next major release of ISIS will be from ISIS Distributed Systems (IDS).
This release will be supported and includes some commercially interesting new
features and performance enhancements.  IDS is now working on the detailed
fee schedule and contract.  

We are often asked how we plan to reconcile ISIS research at Cornell with 
this commercial move.  Actually, we don't expect it to be hard because our
research directions are switching to a some long-term goals.  While IDS
continues to extend and support ISIS V3.0 and beyond, the ISIS research group
 will be starting work on a new version of the system that will run in some
of the forthcoming nucleus kernels at vastly increased speed... this may not
result in anything useful for a while, but when we do things that might be
useful to ISIS users, we will certainly continue our policy of public software

My feeling is that it is appropriate to continue to discuss ISIS
features, issues, and so forth, even regarding the IDS version of ISIS
(V3.0), in this newsgroup.  However, we also feel that it would be
quite inappropriate for IDS to use this space for formal product
announcements, advertising, and other "non-technical" postings.  If you
want to be informed about commercial developments, drop me a note or
phone one of us and we'll make sure you are on the IDS mailing list.

To address the most common questions I am getting: V3.0 will have no major
interface changes from V2.1, but it will run pg_client calls in BYPASS mode 
and will support the new diffusion group option.  It will include a number
of new software subsystems, but not all will be available right when the
initial release occurs.  In the near term we do expect to see a network
resource/application manager subsystem and an enhanced version of the
ISIS news utility.  The latter will be aimed at applications with a need
to publish high volumes of data, such as stock quotes.  V3.0 licensing will
be on a per-CPU basis and down at the pricing levels one expects for other
cellophane-wrapped software products.

I hope this answers most of the obvious questions....


rsb@hplb.hpl.hp.com (09/10/90)

Please could you add my name to the distribution
list for commercial developments of ISIS. 


Rod Bark
Hewlett Packard Labs.
Filton Road,
Stoke Gifford,
BS12 6QZ
