[comp.sys.isis] 12 RPC's == 1 replicated update + 1 2-phase commit

ken@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Birman) (02/16/91)

A transactional reader of my last posting pointed out that the
figure 12 shouldn't actually surprise people.  An ISIS multicast
is roughly comparable in "strength" to an atomic replicated database
update, and those would cost "3*n" RPC's to do one update on n
copies too: n to do the update and get confirmation that the copies
were up, and then 2*n for the 2-phase commit.

Of course, the database system would normally be using persistent
memory, so the 2-phase commit stage will be more costly than 
anything ISIS needs to do.  

The person who pointed this our (anonymously) argues that things
like ISIS belong "over" systems like ARGUS or CAMELOT.  Actually,
I think the costs are lighter in ISIS because we don't worry about
disk IO and log forcing, and that if anything, systems that do 
transactional replicated data should sit over ISIS.

Anyhow, ISIS is probably more like a database system then an RPC
system.  Your manager may not see the point, but in fact it is
remarkable that we may be able to run as fast as RPC in most situations
within the near future!

-- Ken

(Thanks to my anonymous correspondent.  Why not post directly to the