[chi.forsale] AT&T 3B2/300 Systems for Sale

cjh1@quads.uchicago.edu (chi ju huang) (05/24/91)

The following AT&T 3B2/300 systems are for sale.
They are in working condition and are excellent personal UNIX boxes.

System A:	$800

3B2/300 CPU BOX

	2 Mega Byte RAM, 30 Mega Byte Hard Disk, 1 Floppy Drive, Port Board
	with 4 serial ports (plus contty and console, totally 6 ports) and
	1 parallel port, EtherNet Board for 3BNet.

DMD 5620 Terminal

	80 * 70, with mouse, perfect when used with windowing system (layers).
	Use the same CPU as the one in 3B2 box, 1 Mega Byte RAM, can download
	and execute program in this terminal.
	Development kit included.

Software Packages (see the list below)

System B:	$600

3B2/300 CPU BOX

	2 Mega Byte RAM, 30 Mega Byte Hard Disk, 1 Floppy Drive, Port Board
	with 4 serial ports (plus contty and console, totally 6 ports) and
	1 parallel port, EtherNet Board for 3BNet.

4410 Terminal

	80 * 24 / 132 * 24, Graphic Terminal.

Software Packages


The following items are not in working condition.
Make me an offer for whichever you want.

System C:	Make offer

[1] 3B2/300 CPU BOX, same as above, with dead Hard Disk and Floppy Drive.
    Perfect for parts (CPU Board, PORT Board, Network Board and Power Supply).

[2] Dead DMD 5620 Terminal, burned CRT, but CPU board is still good.

[3] Dead 4410 Terminal

Notes: I'll throw in System C free if you buy both System A and B, or
	Dead DMD 5620 goes with System A and Dead 4410 goes with System B.

Software Packages: (Must go with the system, no separate sale)

Unix System V Release 3.0

[ 1] Essential Utilities
[ 2] System Headers Files
[ 3] Directory and File Management Utilities
[ 4] System Administration Utilities
[ 5] Security Administration Utilities
[ 6] Editing Utilities
[ 7] User Environment Utilities
[ 8] Interprocess Communication Utilities
[ 9] Performance Measurement Utilities
[10] Basic Networking Utilities
[11] Line Printer Spooling Utilities
[12] Assist Utilities
[13] Terminal Information Utilities
[14] Terminal Filter Utilities
[15] Windowing Utilities (Layers)
[16] Graphic Utilities
[17] Spell Utilities
[18] Help Utilities
[19] Software Generation Utilities
[20] Extended Software Generation Utilities
[21] C programming Language Utilities (C compiler)
[22] Fortran Programming Utilities (Fortran Compiler)
[23] Documenters Workbench (troff)
[24] Writers' Workbench


Buyer(s) pay shipping. (I would consider delivery in Chicago area.)

If you are interested in, please send E-mail to
