[bionet.software] Personal Computer Programs for Molecular Biology

STONE@yalemed.bitnet (05/16/89)

       IBM/McIntosh computer programs for molecular biology  (freeware)

       The following computer programs for molecular biologists are available
                Hal B. Jenson, M.D.
                Department of Pediatrics
                Yale University School of Medicine
                333 Cedar Street
                New Haven, CT  06410
       Indicate the programs desired and the computer format (IBM or
       McIntosh).  Please enclose $5.00 to cover the expense of the discs and
       mailing costs.

       Program:      CLONES
       Reference:    BioTechniques vol. 7, June 1989
       A novel computer database program dedicated to storing, cataloging,
       and accessing information about recombinant clones and libraries has
       been developed for the IBM (or compatible) personal computer.  This
       program, named CLONES, also stores information about bacterial strains
       and plasmid and bacteriophage vectors used in molecular biology.  The
       advantages of this method are improved organization of data, fast and
       easy assimilation of new data, automatic association of new data with
       existing data, and rapid retrieval of desired records using search
       criteria specified by the user.  Individual records are indexed in the
       database using B-trees, which automatically index new entries and
       expedite later access.  The use of multiple windows, pull-down menus,
       scrolling pick-lists, and field-input techniques make the program
       intuitive to understand and easy to use.  Daughter databases can be
       created to include all records of a particular type, or only those
       records matching user-specified search criteria.  Separate databases
       can also be merged into a larger database.  This computer program
       provides an easy-to-use and accurate means to organize, maintain,
       access, and share information about recombinant clones and other
       laboratory products of molecular biology technology.
       Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or compatible
                     DOS 2.1 or above
                     256 Kb available RAM

       Program:      LIGATE
       Reference:    BioTechniques 5:729-730, 1987
       Description:  A computer program to facilitate determination of the
       amounts of vector DNA and insert DNA for a given set of ligation
       reaction conditions.  The desired conditions for several parameters
       are each factored into the determination of the final reaction
       conditions.  An important aspect of the program is that each of the
       input variables can be rapidly changed, showing the resulting effect
       on the other reaction parameters.  This feature allows the user to
       quickly experiment with different ligation reaction conditions.
       Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or compatible
                     DOS 2.1 or above
                     128 Kb available RAM
                     Apple McIntosh

       Program:      DIGISEQ and TYPESEQ
       Reference:    Computer Applications in the Biosciences 3:283-286, 1987
                     Computer Applications in the Biosciences 4:218, 1988
       Description:  Two computer programs for the IBM personal computer are
       described for rapid and accurate entry of DNA sequence data.  The DNA
       sequence files produced can be used directly by the DNA sequence
       manipulation programs by R. Staden (the DataBase system), the
       University of Wisconsin Genetics Computer Group, IntelliGenetics,
       DNASTAR, or D. Mount.  The first program, DIGISEQ, utilizes a sonic
       digitizer for semi-automation of sequence entry.  To enter the DNA
       sequence each band of a gel reading is touched by the stylus of the
       sonic digitizer.  DIGISEQ corrects for both changes in lane width and
       lane curvature.  The algorithm is extremely efficient and rarely
       requires re-entering the centers of the lanes.  The second program,
       TYPESEQ, uses only the keyboard for input.  The keyboard is
       reconfigured to place nucleotides and ambiguity codes under the
       fingers of one hand, corresponding to the order of the nucleotides on
       the gel defined by the user.  Both programs produce individual tones
       for each nucleotide, and certain ambiguity codes.  This verifies input
       of the correct nucleotide or ambiguity code, and thus eliminates the
       need to visually check the screen display during sequence entry.
       Alternatively, both programs can utilize the BigMouth voice digitizer
       "speak" each nucleotide as it is entered.
       Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or compatible
                     DOS 2.1 or above
                     256 Kb available RAM

       Program:      CIP
       Description:  A computer program to facilitate determination of the
       minimal amount of CIP to add to dephosphorylate DNA.
       Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or compatible
                     DOS 2.1 or above
                     128 Kb available RAM
                     Apple McIntosh